Example sentences of "whatever [noun] you " in BNC.

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1 Whatever course you adopt , you must avoid overstocking the land and overcommitting yourself in the early stages .
2 In many cases , whatever decision you made , you had much to lose , little to gain .
3 You might have time to savour the moment , while you watch him approach , while you pick your shot ; but then it 's all movement , whatever route you 've chosen , whatever method for getting clear .
4 Whatever route you choose , good luck with it !
5 In fact a few lessons on the lunge will improve your riding whatever level you have reached .
6 The Open University offers you a lifelong opportunity to continue your education — to whatever level you want , and in a way that fits in with the rest of your life .
7 The remit with regard to the er one day seminar , it was suggested at the last meeting er that it would be useful if the activists of the free union actually got together held a one day seminar or training course whatever terminology you like to put on it er to actually educate ourselves on how we should be conducting the campaign basically .
8 Mostly it 's that they do n't travel well , whatever flightcases you use .
9 All in all , it is easy to spend a profitable half hour getting to know the system and then be able to extract from it whatever data you require at later times in a matter of minutes .
10 Make them to whatever width you care to but it is advisable to divide the desired throw-over width into suitable panels , rather than to find it too narrow and have to add little strips to either side .
11 It conjectures that God/dess , the Source , the Universe , the Force , the Light — or whatever term you wish to use — just might prefer us to enjoy life to the full , to open ourselves to the joy and abundance of the universe ; that All That Is is perhaps a loving force , and does not want us to endure sorrow , poverty and hardship .
12 You must also remember that whatever deal you do , it 's reflected for all to see on the Ticker page of the Topic system . ’
13 It was cruel , of course , to bring someone of Estabrook 's age out on a cold day , and make him climb a hill , but Gentle knew from experience you took whatever satisfactions you could along the way .
14 Whatever figure you choose , you can then borrow up to a given multiple of that amount whenever you like , either in a lump sum or in small irregular amounts .
15 Whatever figure you choose as a hero , you will hardly be able to keep out something of yourself .
16 Whatever figure you have in your head , ask at every turn of your book , " What will the Reader ( I always give mine a capital letter in my mind ) want next ? "
17 I mean that that is one possible approach of doing it that you instead of taking the figure of nine thousand seven hundred in policy H one you refer to it as being eight thousand three hundred , or whatever figure you might happen to come up with .
18 There were very few groups that stayed together as a unit all the time ; you just got together and played what were current country hits , current pop hits , with whatever instrumentation you had .
19 I trust you were the victors of whatever engagement you became embroiled in ? ’
20 You come around here every week with whatever chick you fell into the sack with the night before and you 're giving me a morality lecture !
21 Right you just have to remember that whatever key you 're in , you 've got to remember the sharps or flats from that key .
22 Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another .
23 ‘ Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another ’ ( Col. 3:13 ) .
24 The routine for using a punchcard is the same whatever stitch you 're knitting .
25 In fact whatever stitch you 're knitting it is always worth considering the merits and design possibilities of both sides of the fabric .
26 ‘ You 'll mind to tell us whatever gossip you have , eh ?
27 The measurement across the page can be in whatever units you are happy with ; picas , millimetres , etc , but the vertical measurements should be done in the same units as your leading .
28 ‘ Well , ’ she smiled , after the preliminary introduction , ‘ do I pass whatever test you have ? ’
29 Whatever panelling you use , and the latter is going to be more expensive , a layer of insulating material should be placed between the panels and the solid wall .
30 And that is why you have to ensure that whatever elements you put in initial-clause position in your target text or in a given part of your target text add up to something that can be understood as a method of development and that can provide a point of orientation for that part of the text .
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