Example sentences of "regard as the " in BNC.

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1 Ten years ago I remember I used to think that it was our mental hospitals which later generations would regard as the most staggering and incomprehensible blind spot of our time , on which they would look back as we do upon the generations which burnt witches or tried by ordeal .
2 Now those critics have been joined by what entrenched IRFU committeemen may regard as the Enemy Within .
3 She was embarking on what she would always regard as the pleasantest years of her life .
4 To say what it ought to be would be to express attitudes of his own , which he does not regard as the task of the kind of philosopher like himself who is , in his professional work , trying to understand ethical discussion rather than to participate in it .
5 All these levels may be seen as controlled by the relationship of the people involved in the discourse , which we may regard as the highest level .
6 There is no very compelling reason , however , why foreseeability should not be utilised as the test of remoteness in cases where it is irrelevant to the initial determination of liability : ‘ granted that an escape takes place , albeit unforeseeably , what would a reasonable man regard as the foreseeable consequences of such an escape ? ’
7 The combination of such marked terms with a widespread use of word play is what we can regard as the typical exploitation of language in the French fabliaux .
8 But Madam Deputy Speaker , these order do n't pay any attention to a number of matters in what I would regard as the public interest and whilst the minister as I say , has quite rightly paid tribute to professional organisations involved in this process , we must never forget that we 're here to represent the public interest and not just er er specific professional interests that may be relevant in each case and indeed in the light of what has happened in this field of enforcement er over the last two years , the minister must be aware that the public are requiring higher standards of commercial probity .
9 Well each has a particular history erm each has a particular culture and pattern of doing things , structure of government as I 've mentioned but also of course we have common interests so in foreign policy we sometimes draw differences between what we would regard as the direct interests of each state and what we can call common interests of mankind .
10 ‘ Whether the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel or the Stanze of Raphael should be regarded as the culminating effort of modern art , has long been the subject of controversy ’ ; but they both received double asterisks .
11 Bedford Park is regarded as the first Garden Suburb in England , and thus has an international importance , while Shaw is one of the most important architects of the Victorian period , best known as the designer of the old New Scotland Yard building on the London Embankment .
12 Inadequate thinking , as I hope to have shown in my section on mental development , can be regarded as the inadequate control of mental attention , and , like inadequate action , fails through misdirection , disinhibition , and unco-ordination .
13 For neurophysiologists and neuropsychologists , the way forward in understanding perception has been to correlate these dimensions of experience with , firstly , the material properties of the experienced object or event ( usually regarded as the ‘ stimulus ’ ) and , secondly , the patterns of discharges in the sensory system .
14 Ta Kung Pao , the Communist newspaper regarded as the most reliable voice in Hong Kong of the Peking leadership , displayed a poster reading : ‘ Wash away the shame of the country . ’
15 DAN RATHER , the CBS News anchorman , once regarded as the most trusted person in America , has yet to answer charges that he aired faked battle footage and false news accounts of the war in Afghanistan in the mid-1980s .
16 Today he lives in the Eastern Thai town of Trat and , although officially retired , is still regarded as the overall leader of the Khmer Rouge .
17 Nuon Chia was educated in Thailand , and is regarded as the main ideologue of the Khmer Rouge .
18 Golf on the Continent in the 1920s was very much a pastime for the rich , whereas in Britain professionals were employed by clubs as low-paid servants : across the Channel they were regarded as the social equals of the members they served , by virtue of their skill at the game .
19 Painting , 1927 , by Joan Miro , the Spanish painter regarded as the greatest of all Surrealist abstract artists .
20 Excluding the impact of mortgage rates , regarded as the best guide to the underlying trend , inflation rose 0.1 points to 5.8 per cent in September , which suggests that high interest rates have yet to subdue inflation significantly .
21 Saatchi 's extremely active deaccessioning has caused a stir partly because so many major artists and dealers have a personal stake in his collection - and have , in some cases , risen to prominence as his collection has expanded -but also because his collection is almost unanimously regarded as the greatest of its kind in existence .
22 He came to be regarded as the major reason for the government 's post-Falklands electoral strength , its reputation for competence , enterprise , and success .
23 For in 1918 he just missed a scholarship to Winchester College ; and in those days the scholarship at Winchester was regarded as the crown for the cleverest boys in England .
24 Ramsey turned to study law , which then was regarded as the best training for a future politician .
25 And via a now explicit association with anality , especially sodomy , homosexuality becomes a paradigm of sterility and solipsism , while heterosexuality is regarded as the way back to a dynamic , creative encounter with the other : in the woman the man embraces ‘ all that is not himself ’ and from that embrace ‘ comes every new action ’ ( quoted in Delany , Nightmare , 79 ) .
26 In the mass media , on foreign visits , and in Parliament , the Prime Minister is regarded as the authoritative spokesman for Cabinet policy .
27 Much of the alleged wisdom that inheres in institutions and practice is part of what she has regarded as the flabby consensus that dragged the country down .
28 Neville Chamberlain , often regarded as the architect of the National Government , confessed , in July 1931 , ‘ I myself hate the idea and hope it wo n't come to pass ’ ; nevertheless , he admitted that a National Government might come about as a result of the financial crisis .
29 This is usually regarded as the most sensitive aspect of secret service work .
30 It could be regarded as the original monocoque , because it used a lightweight structure of four small-diameter steel tubes and a stressed aluminium skin .
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