Example sentences of "pull [pn reflx] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Doug Cantwell , chairman of West Wiltshire Conservatives , said yesterday : ‘ We have to do our best to pull ourselves out of this recession and tighten our belts .
2 We 've just got to pull ourselves together and stick together and we can pull out of this .
3 He was fitted in blinkers for the 1984 Gold Cup but behaved mulishly , twice trying to pull himself up before finishing a distant sixth to Burrough Hill Lad .
4 Trained in Ireland at the Cullinane yard for his first run of the 1984–5 season , he was then moved to Paddy Mullins , winning a handicap hurdle at Limerick Junction on his second outing for his new stable before his mood let him down again in the 1985 Gold Cup : he tried to pull himself up after a circuit and was tailed off when refusing at the last fence .
5 He had to pull himself up with help from other divers who pulled his umbilical , and anything else they could get hold of .
6 A has used his back foot to pull the board closer to him , thereby making it far easier to pull himself up .
7 ‘ She 'll grow up with rickets like the rest of 'em , ’ she said , rubbing Patrick 's thin legs which failed to support him when he attempted to pull himself up against his father 's chair .
8 Masklin swung backwards and forwards , trying to pull himself up the rough cloth .
9 Other hands took her from him , and he grasped the side of the craft , too tired to pull himself up .
10 The bird symbolising the yearning for freedom man has , his desire to pull himself up above and beyond the limits and discomforts of his own restricted world .
11 He tried to pull himself forward , branch to branch , but with his hands bound , he lost ground each time he grabbed for a fresh hold .
12 He got hold of the polished tip of one of his shoes , and tried to pull himself away from the wall .
13 He twisted to shield himself , tried to pull himself round and use that big machine-gun he had carried for so long .
14 He sat astride the Lock gates and began to pull himself out along the top of them .
15 They had n't made university and the difference between their comfortable life style — houses on an executive estate , en suite bathrooms , artificial coal fires in what they called the lounge , working wives , a new car every two years and timeshares in Majorca — provided both with agreeable hours of self-satisfied comparisons which he knew would always end with the same conclusion , that he ought to pull himself together , that it was n't right , not after all the sacrifices Mum and Dad had made to send him to college , and a fine waste of money that had proved .
16 Then he started to pull himself together , returned to Hollywood and stayed sober — except for Sundays , when he would lock himself away and drink like a fish .
17 Now he sat back , eyes closed , trying to pull himself together .
18 He emptied the glass , and made an effort to pull himself together .
19 The funeral 's on Wednesday ; perhaps when that 's over , he 'll begin to pull himself together . ’
20 Some of the officers kept on to him to pull himself together and that sort of thing .
21 If it had been any other soldier , he would have told him sternly to pull himself together and be a man .
22 He seemed to be trying to pull himself together and just as the bus appeared at the mouth of the square , he murmured : ‘ Do n't worry about Mama ; she will have understood what you were thinking , and in any case I can tell her if you 'd like . ’
23 The action caused his kiss to deepen until suddenly , with what she sensed to be an effort of will , he appeared to pull himself together .
24 He tried to pull himself together , but it was impossible .
25 Time to pull himself together .
26 When did you ever put me first in your life ? ’ he demanded angrily , before taking a deep breath and clearly making a determined effort to pull himself together .
27 His wife has told him to pull himself together .
28 One spike went right through him but he managed to pull himself off .
29 As the day began , so the village started to pull itself together .
30 In a radio broadcast earlier this week , Mr Shevardnadze echoed the public mood in most areas of the country expressing optimism that Georgia was now starting to pull itself out of political and economic crisis .
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