Example sentences of "pull [pron] up " in BNC.

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1 But to many others it is a way of life with roots so deep in the national culture that any government at all respectful of individual liberty would be politically reckless to try to pull them up .
2 And , of course , to know that if things went wrong there would be a helping hand to pull me up .
3 He says ; Up and downstairs it is terrible I have to have two bars to pull me up and some people have to change to flats .
4 He was fitted in blinkers for the 1984 Gold Cup but behaved mulishly , twice trying to pull himself up before finishing a distant sixth to Burrough Hill Lad .
5 Trained in Ireland at the Cullinane yard for his first run of the 1984–5 season , he was then moved to Paddy Mullins , winning a handicap hurdle at Limerick Junction on his second outing for his new stable before his mood let him down again in the 1985 Gold Cup : he tried to pull himself up after a circuit and was tailed off when refusing at the last fence .
6 He had to pull himself up with help from other divers who pulled his umbilical , and anything else they could get hold of .
7 A has used his back foot to pull the board closer to him , thereby making it far easier to pull himself up .
8 ‘ She 'll grow up with rickets like the rest of 'em , ’ she said , rubbing Patrick 's thin legs which failed to support him when he attempted to pull himself up against his father 's chair .
9 Masklin swung backwards and forwards , trying to pull himself up the rough cloth .
10 Other hands took her from him , and he grasped the side of the craft , too tired to pull himself up .
11 The bird symbolising the yearning for freedom man has , his desire to pull himself up above and beyond the limits and discomforts of his own restricted world .
12 ‘ We 'll try to pull you up .
13 The counsellor said , ‘ You are describing Sarah in a very loving and respectful way — but you sound angry when you say that you expect me to pull you up for not describing her as a lover , too .
14 The title itself was designed to pull you up short : The Heterosexual Strain in Modern English Literature .
15 And , they had to pull everything up and she was n't very pleased about it .
16 For weeks now she 'd been recognizing him , her eyes following him round the room , and she tried to pull herself up in the cradle to see him better .
17 Seeing Margaret begin to pull herself up , Maura 's natural kindness came to the fore .
18 She pushed her elbows into the bed to pull herself up , but she was too late .
19 She kept trying to pull herself up , but she could n't get further than lifting her head forward a few inches .
20 She left him to pull herself up the bannisters to bed , thinking back to the inordinately exciting first summer when Comfort and Anthony had rented their house outside Oxford and she had fallen in love .
21 Despite the bonds around her arms , she managed to pull herself up , determined not to show any sign of how difficult she found it .
22 From time to time she had to pull him up .
23 Then she began to pull him up .
24 She laughed rather shrilly , grabbed his hands and tried to pull him up against her .
25 He stopped beside her chair , reaching with easy strength to pull her up in front of him .
26 With an abrupt muttered curse under his breath Roman came around to pull her up into his arms , subduing her struggles with iron strength .
27 On the bright side , the area is attracting sizeable foreign investment , particularly from Japanese and Korean companies , and has a strong core of business and local government leaders fighting to pull it up by its bootstraps .
28 Finding she could n't push the pram up the slope , she thought for a few seconds and then tried to pull it up .
29 At each end are two women : young one , lying on front and side , half-wrapped in her mantle as a blanket and beginning to pull it up on her shoulder as a dress while she lifts herself to look towards the centre ; and an old one with cropped hair , a slave , fully dressed , beginning to get to her knees .
30 She took the garment , and struggled to pull it up over her hips .
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