Example sentences of "na go down " in BNC.

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1 And in some class rooms the kids are gon na go down for a variety of reasons , they 're gon na they 're gon na work their ticket and in other class rooms they wo n't !
2 I mean we could all spend all day discussing that particular issue but up until the decision is made and which road they 're gon na go down we do know it 's gon na be banding but on what on what basis is it gon na be ?
3 But we 're not gon na go down that path .
4 Because if we , we , the rank and file do n't succeed , we 're all gon na go down the tube together .
5 With clients like this walking down just wan na go down quality .
6 Are they gon na go down to see their friends , at Central Government , and say , come on , this thirty-one per cent is totally unacceptable .
7 And if a builder gon na go down there you say , Well look I 've got one down here but I 've got a prime slot
8 But Neil he was gon na go down to Tesco 's but he is , Ipswich , ca n't get down here , so he ca n't sort of travel and you know what the hassle of having to take him and pick him up .
9 I wan na go down town this afternoon , but I 've got no one to go down with , I do n't want to go by myself
10 Well this one 's not too well really he 's gon na go down and go back and lie down now , he says but erm the rest of us are fine .
11 See I want to get the same sort of material though as what the other liners , I want to stick the two liners together to make all one great big pond you see right the way across the garden but the other pond might be about two foot deep , this one 's gon na go down
12 Yeah well we was , we was gon na go down the west coast go and see Rome and then down from there .
13 No mum , actually erm I 'm not gon na go down to Helena 's and wi , wi , you know with the dogs
14 Well do you wan na go down and have a look at that now ?
15 we 'll probably end up doing a bit to the garden this year as opposed to er you know going to , we were gon na go down to Somerset in June were n't we ?
16 so , so she says I 'm gon na go down to Presto , Billy 's gone to fetch Wally 's pay slip
17 I 've got a moment now and overtime 's gon na go down to something .
18 I do n't wan na go down the shop !
19 Cos I wan na go down there to get some frozen stuff instead .
20 It 's gon na go down on computer .
21 Well , I mean , we had the opportunity , you know chit-chat job and mum said are we gon na go down over the weekend ?
22 Well , are we gon na go down here ?
23 Right , are you gon na go down ?
24 I 'm just gon na go down and get some eggs cos I forgotten them .
25 So this is , what got me a bit suspicious right , well I speaking to her and all and I said , well you know , this is it and , you know she said she knows George is , is meant to be coming up and I said look and I says and I 'm gon na go down onto the floor here , and just as I was to go onto the floor there was a phone call right , and it was Alice .
26 Mm I wan na go down to the pub tonight .
27 Anyway , I 'll go in , I wan na go down Tesco 's anyway so it 's erm , just really since I spoken to you really .
28 Oh , you 're gon na go down well .
29 He 's gon na go down on those nuts now .
30 we were gon na go down there , but erm nan and granddad had been down there about a fortnight ago and they said they had n't got a lot out yet , they said they would n't be out for about another three weeks , so about
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