Example sentences of "someone who have " in BNC.

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1 Someone who 'd been in the right place a couple of times .
2 Coming from someone who 'd obviously never been in the right frame of mind magnetically to attach anything but his salary to himself — money Anwar always referred to as ‘ unearned income ’ — this seemed a bit rich .
3 Several hearings were held , and as a teacher involved with the family , and as someone who 'd been asked officially to ‘ socialise , them , Mr M was asked to give information to the Children 's Panel .
4 He walked out on her mother , who was stuck for years afterwards with the name of someone who 'd left her .
5 Ian was someone who 'd succeeded through his own efforts .
6 She lay under him , loose-limbed , like someone who 'd fallen , and raised both arms above her head to grasp the bedrails .
7 Luke was like someone who 'd seen a vision of the Holy Grail — completely obsessed . ’
8 I 'd promised myself not even to think about Julie Burchill again , let alone mention her ( yeah , right on , Camille , we 're rootin' for ya ) , but I must say that I agree with her that the Best of Young British list would have improved by the addition of an American and someone who 'd written a non-fiction book about football .
9 ‘ I think so , ’ she said , straightening in her seat and looking around like someone who 'd fallen asleep on a long journey and awoken in an unfamiliar place .
10 ‘ Father wanted someone to inherit who knew Venice and had been taught the business , someone who 'd been trained to the position . ’
11 ( In my enthusiasm , I sent this letter to everyone whose name and number were on my telephone pad ( I ’ d been out rather a lot , and other members of the family took the calls ) ; this included someone who 'd phoned for a different reason , and next day I got a somewhat bemused call from an elderly gentleman who had never heard of Donkey Lane , but thought it sounded a splendid project and wanted to know all about it .
12 But if you were describing my act to someone who 'd never seen it , what words would you use ? ’
13 The police had been called by someone who 'd spotted the flames .
14 Trading standards officers were first alerted to the danger by someone who 'd just bought a mixer .
15 Police hunting the killer of seven-year-old , Nikki Allen , in Sunderland , want to question a mystery woman caller who claimed to know someone who 'd committed a murder .
16 And what did you think plane someone who 'd never been away from
17 Occasionally someone who 'd died Another type of undertaking was where somebody had died out of the island .
18 ‘ We could all be dead in six months , ’ she replied , shaking her head with an air of someone who 'd heard those sort of stories before .
19 The answer , ask someone who had to be a true native .
20 When Eliot became a Christian in 1927 he declared that he found in reading Paul Elmer More , with whose Shelburne Essays he had shown familiarity in 1916 , the work of someone who had travelled by almost the same route , to virtually the same conclusions .
21 It was Hermione , genuinely concerned because she had not been at school ; someone who had missed her .
22 She looked like someone who had been struck without warning but she did not try to run or cry out .
23 I could n't go on living in a place where I was no use , ’ she spoke with the quietness and desperate authority of someone who had discovered they could give up no more ground and live .
24 When he did get up to go to the room he looked like someone who had lost the train of thought he had set out on and had emptied himself into blankness , aware only that he was still somehow present .
25 Most working men claimed to know someone who had once been given a trial or had been ‘ on the books ’ of a club for a spell .
26 I think these things were not common in those days and I was looking for someone who had great potential , and decided I 'd found it in David Bowie .
27 He cut in on a man who was starting to chat her up — someone who had once given him a bad review .
28 I did indeed see him as a kind of Christ figure , perhaps as someone who had come to save me from myself , from my ineradicable loneliness of mind and soul .
29 There are many reasons for these laws ; some are obvious , but some are very deep and one level of understanding is that menstruation represents a loss of potential life ; the same applied to a man who had a nocturnal emission , or wet dream , or someone who had helped to prepare a body for burial .
30 He acted like the gangster in a B movie rubbing out someone who had got in his way …
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