Example sentences of "someone who [be] " in BNC.

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1 Remember this will be a professional opinion from someone who is interested in the qualities you now have to offer , so bear such comment well in mind .
2 I do n't know , but maybe tomorrow you will come across someone who is homeless — maybe in desperate need of help , maybe asleep and just wishing , for the moment , to be left in peace .
3 Our children need to be aware that the more sexual partners a person has , the more likely they are to have sex with someone who is HIV+ , although the risks of infection are greatly reduced if they practise Safer Sex .
4 They catch them just by coming into close contact with someone who is infected .
5 Those who pursue explication can expect to be seen as suspicious , for they embody the marginality of the anthropologist , described by Lévi-Strauss ( 1973 : 67 ) as being someone who is ‘ psychologically speaking maimed , an amputee ’ .
6 He is not afraid to come before us in this book as a full-blown figure , someone who is quite recognizable ( from earliest school letters and the accounts of Kirkpatrick ) as ‘ the real Lewis ’ but who is also , for the first time , ‘ found ’ as an artistic voice .
7 Nine years ago and several times since , Duran had shown the difficulty he has in fighting someone who is on the retreat .
8 I just had to tend to him when it got too much for someone who is not that involved in drugs .
9 I do hope it 's not the bitterness of someone who is n't logical , but sometimes it makes me emotional .
10 — and chuckling quietly in the semi-demented manner of someone who is sitting alone in damp clothes in an empty restaurant in a strange country waiting for a twenty-five-dollar pizza .
11 There is always such intense jealousy among members of the British literary establishment when someone who is not ‘ one of us ’ is favoured by an appointment , a prize .
12 ‘ It is the strain of living alone with someone who is no longer predictable .
13 Looking through her work you ca n't help but be impressed by the quality and her attention to detail — and I did just wonder if I was in the presence of someone who is going to be hailed the greatest canine painter of her era .
14 Let us take an example of someone who is now thirty-five years old and who has been somewhat overweight , say between 15 and 30 lb , for at least ten years .
15 The chairman , David Lawson , says , ‘ Our typical customer is someone who is not necessarily having much day-by-day culture intake .
16 ‘ Unfortunately , one of your number disregarded that direction and did speak to someone who is a witness in the trial .
17 THE IDEA of preparing a budget for the building of a house is a daunting thought , especially to someone who is more used to budgeting for the family holiday .
18 If you are not a very competent mechanic then entrust to someone who is or keep LHD .
19 If you do not feel competent enough to fit them then entrust the job to someone who is Instructions are not available but a
20 Their handicap is like any other permanent disability , such as someone who is physically handicapped through the loss of a limb .
21 First , you could find someone who is interested in taking the building on should it be sold or ultimately come to compulsory purchase .
22 ‘ They are looking for someone who is hiding , ’ said the mother .
23 The symptoms and signs described above are those seen in someone who is sensitized to the fungus .
24 You ca n't chat with someone who is senile , and when she wets herself I shout at her as much as she once shouted at me . ’
25 They would n't be keen on anyone with psychological quirks — like an entrenched hatred of men , for instance , or someone who is adopting a child merely because they want to be loved by a child .
26 Never touch someone who is angry , and do n't hesitate to ask for help .
27 P. A friendly person , someone who is good to session with , someone who can appreciate someone else 's skating and not to judge them as to what they can do but also who they are and how they are .
28 Motorists should always remember that someone who is having difficulty crossing a road quickly may be panic-stricken by revving engines or impatient horn-sounding .
29 When you look after someone who is even only partly disabled , there is always a risk that you become so engrossed in his problems and needs that you forget to look after yourself .
30 IN fact planning any route that you 've made up yourself across wild land is fun , unless you 're doing so to escape from someone who is trying to kill you or lock you up .
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