Example sentences of "someone had [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , that 's a good start ! ’ she thought , looking around in the hope that someone had witnessed so successful a landing , but of course they had n't .
2 As a girl , she had had beautiful hands : someone had asked to photograph them .
3 If someone had asked him who she voted for , what the names of her women friends were , what she liked in life , he could n't have answered .
4 If , when you attended the major retrospective of your works which recently took place at the Tate Gallery , someone had asked you : Marcel Duchamp , what have you done with your life ?
5 Burun was pleased that someone had asked an intelligent question .
6 ‘ Did n't you mention that someone had asked to see me ? ’
7 The local radio had reported that someone had heard a skylark singing , and that in Lerwick a blackbird was already on its first clutch of catfood .
8 The room seemed to have gone dark , as if someone had turned off the lights , and she wondered if she might be going to faint .
9 Ibn Fayoud half closed his eyes as if someone had turned a knife in his guts .
10 It was as though someone had turned on a current of electricity , and with every second that passed the image became brighter and stronger .
11 He felt as if his entire arm and hand were ablaze ; as if someone had turned a blowtorch on them .
12 Near the Salt Tower he found the gravel-strewn slush had been disturbed , indicating someone had stood there for some time .
13 Anyway , I came to this old cemetery and against one wall was this kind of beehive grave affair and someone had broken into one of the graves and pulled out this baby 's coffin and smashed it open .
14 Someone had broken into her house , apparently searching for something .
15 All the portable bits and pieces which might have been stolen were there , yet someone had broken into and searched the car .
16 The only thing that happened was that Dad came into the kitchen where Oliver was crying because someone had broken the jar in which he kept his stick insects and said , ‘ What 's the matter , old chap ?
17 I used to wonder what on earth people found to talk about for so long , and on the occasion when I was called to a neighbour 's telephone in Baldersdale , I was so uneasy that someone had to hold it to my ear .
18 A different uneasiness , different from the lump of indigestible fear that her sister 's rashness inspired , became lodged in her , more fluttery , indistinct , and nauseous , as if someone had shut out all the air in a bedroom with the closing of the shutters .
19 They were painted over , but someone had scraped away a small area of paint , exposing the clear glass .
20 Well we come out of woods and someone had phoned police up or something escaped from Leeds .
21 Said in yesterday 's paper that someone had had a wheelbarrow valued at thirty pounds stolen from a back garden and it was somewhere at Kirk Hill .
22 Oh , it said in yesterday 's paper that someone had had a wheelbarrow valued at thirty pounds stolen from her back garden and it was somewhere at , where the back gardens are n't particularly accessible .
23 Someone had named the Prophet ?
24 Not unless someone had discovered a way of reviving someone who had lost most of his brain matter and half of his skull .
25 He noticed that someone had moved the few horses they had managed to round up , and sent two men to find out where they had been taken .
26 ‘ He could n't live with the thought that someone had touched me in that way .
27 The empty tin cash-box lay gaping open in one corner , twisted and crumpled as if someone had stamped on it repeatedly .
28 I could still just see where someone had written : ‘ DEUTSCHLAND KAPUT ’ with his finger , but it had melted and the letters had grown tails like tadpoles .
29 When I heard it I just could n't believe that someone had written it .
30 In Damascus he would have loved baiting Marwan , the AP reporter , with Nick ; at the Comedy Store he would have laughed at the idea of the song someone had written for him — ‘ The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Bullets ’ ; , and my début at live interviews would have provided another entry for his file of great lines .
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