Example sentences of "worker ' [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Working class literature is that writing which first appears within the modern working class in the process of its formation and carries the marks of its origin in its attitude to society , particularly to workers ' problems , and in its manner of expression .
2 Also , whilst trade union leaders might want or need laws to strengthen procedures or ‘ conciliation ’ , this might well rebound , since the management side of the dispute supported by the misnamed National Association for Freedom ( NAF ) , will also be pressing for laws — but to curtail workers ' rights .
3 But despite last night 's developments , Mrs Thatcher is still likely to be in a minority of one — both on completion date for monetary union and on her continued opposition to the European Social Charter of workers ' rights .
4 She had already found herself in isolation over progress to monetary union and the endorsement of a social charter of workers ' rights , and it became clear that the new European Community order would be built on an even closer alliance of France and West Germany .
5 Adopt , with the exception of Britain , a charter guaranteeing workers ' rights in the single European market to be created in 1992 .
6 The workers ' rights we believe in are those which enhance individuals ' status and opportunities .
7 Moreover , legislation associated with improving workers ' rights in Germany took control many of the important details of university life , such as departmental policy and appointments , out of the hands of the heads of departments and transferred them to committees of faculty members at all levels .
8 Countless Labour candidates spent the election defending their passionate commitment to a statutory minimum wage and workers ' rights .
9 Despite Indonesia 's ratification of ILO Convention 98 — affirming workers ' rights to organise and wage bargain — virtually no unions exist in Indonesia independent of the Government controlled SPSI ( All Indonesia Workers Association ) .
10 But with the government forced , this week , to remove all reference to the parts of the treaty that deal with workers ' rights , the exact form of what gets ratified remains in doubt .
11 If a major feature of the Co-operative Commonwealth was to be the ownership and control by the workforce of the particular enterprise employing them , if , in other words , it was to comprehend authentic industrial democracy , then the abrogation in 1875 of the workers ' rights and privileges of the workers employed in factories producing goods for sale in co-operative retail stores was a misdirection of the Movement .
12 We can agree with him therefore that the Pioneers were wrong in their view that the abolition of workers ' rights , expressed as a bonus to labour , was a misdirection of the Movement — but wrong only because there was then no other direction for it to take .
13 Part-time Workers ' Rights
14 Some trade unions argued that free time was as important as perhaps even more important than — money in the struggle for workers ' rights .
15 He is selling out the workers ' rights and , by doing so , the future of any United Kingdom Parliament .
16 I also think , on er sort of workers ' rights , I mean if you know the person that 's made it , like a local butcher , I would trust more to make I would trust more than .
17 The workers ' rights .
18 And workers ' rights .
19 We talked yesterday about a lot about Europe about the importance of workers ' rights in Europe , but here we can expand upon this .
20 Unions are at a disadvantage here because the legal framework which established workers ' rights to form unions and engage in collective bargaining was essentially created by government .
21 In 1909 , Winston Churchill , talking about workers ' rights , said that there were necessary laws to be passed to ensure that the bad employer was not undercut by the very worst .
22 But is not the Prime Minister 's decision to opt out of the social charter — — ’ opt out ’ were the words that he used — an admission that , after 12 years of Tory rule , the economy is not as sound , robust and healthy as the Government try to claim but is so fragile that it can not support the most basic workers ' rights that will be enjoyed in the rest of Europe ?
23 The issue of workers ' rights found expression in a Community Charter of the Fundamental Social Rights of Workers ( pp. 36668 ; 36985 ) which was resolutely opposed by the United Kingdom alone , but which received , in a modified form , the assent of all other heads of state at the Strasbourg summit on Dec. 8-9 , 1989 ( see pp. 37132-33 ) .
24 By a nearly three-to-one majority the congress on June 15 passed a resolution declaring that the CPSU could no longer be considered the champion of workers ' rights , and was losing its authority .
25 On July 3 delegates amended sections of the charter dealing with respect for the rights of individuals and of nationalities , workers ' rights , access to the mass media , and the independence of the judiciary .
26 Congress , this legislation is th yet another attack on the workers ' rights , wages and ability to organize .
27 Twelve members of the European Community moved towards the standardization of workers ' rights as contained in the Social Chapter of the Maastricht Treaty .
28 This creeping destruction of workers ' rights has spread rapidly from journalists to printers , from tanker drivers to docks , telecom managers to mines , and lecturers to insurance staff .
29 In fact , it is so proud that it now boasts at a European level of the cheap U K labour costs and the lack of workers ' rights .
30 By de-recognizing these representatives , employers can effectively ignore their obligations in Europe and thereby deny workers ' rights accepted as basic conditions in the eleven other member states .
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