Example sentences of "grow up [adj] " in BNC.

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1 While she wanted the little boy to have the benefit of a strong male influence in his life and grow up rounded , she rebelled against the prospect of Vitor 's frequent presence in hers .
2 If you would like to find out how to help your kitten grow up healthy and strong , Whiskas have produced a booklet ‘ Know Your Cat ’ that tells you all about her needs from kittenhood to adulthood .
3 As you set about making your plans for next year let me leave you with this thought from Eglantine Jebb If children of any country are physically or morally abandoned the whole world loses by it and the whole world gains if children grow up healthy , capable and ready to work for the good of their neighbours .
4 If a society lets any considerable number of its members grow up mere children , incapable of being acted on by rational consideration of distant motives , society has itself to blame for the consequences .
5 Many people grow up frightened of what may come after this life because their minds have been filled since childhood with ideas of hell and damnation , judgment and punishment .
6 Parents are largely responsible for providing the right environment so that their children grow up happy , balanced and free from hang-ups .
7 Two girls are born , one in Poland , one in France : their parents do n't know each other , there is no connection whatsoever between the two families , but the girls grow up identical in appearance , nature and character .
8 They grow up unbalanced , and need only minor frustrations or the stimulus of pornography to tip them into an orgy of violence against women and girls .
9 As the father of young children myself , I often wonder at the adult-oriented visual images , themes and preoccupations which seem to dominate so much of our children 's publishing , and the failure to recognise that today 's generations of youngsters have grown up conditioned by the immediate access and instant gratification provided by the likes of television and computer games .
10 Cos , cos they 're big enough , if they even in love , they can knock a child , well they could knock a grown up flat on your back .
11 Can you imagine it , to have grown up insane and then in one fell swoop to achieve sanity ?
12 Suppose she is grown up bad .
13 James ( 4.2 ) : When I 'm grown up big I shall be like a giant , and I shall be up here and I shall look down at you and you will say , ‘ What are you doing up there ? ’
14 Millions of babies have grown up happy and healthy on formula milks and your baby will thrive if he has a mum who 's relaxed at feeds , not anxious that she 's not giving her baby the best start in life .
15 It is possible that a generation of children may grow up deprived of their entitlement — an introduction to the powerful and splendid history of the best that has been thought and said in our language .
16 I can make you grow up tall .
17 To help them grow up strong .
18 So both boys went to the state school in spite of Father Michael at St Oswald 's , but it was a hollow victory because twice a week , once after school , once on Saturdays , they were sent to the Convent to learn catechism off the nuns so they would grow up good Catholics after all .
19 Katherine Lundy was determined that her children would grow up unaffected and untainted by the cursed country .
20 A baby so treated will grow up puzzled about mirrors and what the mirror has to offer .
21 Come over here and join us by all means — but not too many of you , so we 'll vet you as you come in ; and not make getting in pleasant or easy ; and just please stick to your own districts , and keep your own religion and dance away to tambourines , or bow to the East , or whatever you like to do to remind you of home — or home as it used to be a hundred years ago but certainly is n't now — and are n't we clever , and kind , and good , the way we give you your roots back ? , and with any luck your children will grow up well-behaved and pleasant ; ours certainly are n't ; because your children come of a society which , being somewhere else and a long time ago , is probably better than ours .
22 Only then can they grow up able to enjoy full lives , to become responsible and useful citizens and to make good parents in turn .
23 Far better to let them grow up safe than expose them by making himself conspicuous .
24 The boys of both houses , Billy Keith who was now seven and Sandy Mackenzie , five , and his young brother Stuart , or Stu , who was three , were growing up strong and healthy under the sun .
25 It 's growing up nice .
26 In Women and Psychology ( Williams 1979 ) , for instance , Ladner 's paper ‘ Growing up Black ’ , which describes the specific experiences of growing up in US cities in the 1960s , has to stand for the effects of both ‘ race ’ and class on gender .
27 But it does suggest that racism is too deeply embedded in the whole experience of growing up working class to be the sole responsibility of skins .
28 She 'd known he was growing up peculiar — he did badly at school , and had no friends — but she 'd begun to see , from living in the same house as him again , how different he was from other kids .
29 Is he a sharp one growing up bad ? ’
30 The driving impulse was the fear of the development of a " dangerous class " in the cities where children were growing up ill disciplined and ill exampled by their parents .
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