Example sentences of "grow [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mangroves are trees that grow right at the edge of the sea , held and nourished through characteristic prop roots that grip the soft mud .
2 Thought to be quintessentially English , primroses actually grow right across Europe from Majorca to Iran and wherever you look they vary slightly .
3 You know some ivies grow right in the bricks do n't they but they do n't .
4 In my long experience of this species , I have noticed that as long as you have only a few juveniles over 1″ , these seem to stop growing at around 1.25″ , until an adult dies , whereupon a young fish will fill the gap and grow on to adult size at a remarkable rate .
5 In containers sow in warmth In March and grow on in 15cm ( 6in ) pots .
6 The two cells first grow inward across the midline following a pathway pioneered earlier by the first neurons in the ganglion , Q 1 and Q2 .
7 Not only did diplomatic services grow slowly in size : there was also none of the inflation of titles and wholesale upgrading of missions which was to develop after 1918 and still more after 1945 .
8 They grow opposite on a dark green , purple-tinged stem .
9 The leaf-stalks grow opposite from the stem .
10 These grow naturally as a single , vertical stem and need absolutely no pruning .
11 The converse is seldom true , since many herbs grow naturally in poor dry soils .
12 The plants grow naturally in impoverished peat bogs , and they devour insects as a source of protein .
13 The pond is virtually sterile except for algal mats which grow only at points about its edges where fresh water is available ( Harris et al . ,
14 The human eye and brain can produce generalizations such as ‘ in this particular area , pine trees grow only at heights greater than 90 metres above sea-level ’ .
15 Angiosperms grow from ovules ( seeds ) protected in their own case , where gymnosperms grow only from seeds without the protective case .
16 The crucial point in this deductive piece of science was that corals grow only in shallow water ; the theory became generally accepted , and helped to make Darwin 's name as a geologist .
17 Instead , the Commission indulged in some verbal gymnastics with : ‘ This work is beginning to suggest that some types of tree grow better in air that has most of the pollution removed from it . ’
18 D. From long experience the Wills family know that cereal crops ( wheat and barley ) normally grow better in this region than in other parts of Britain .
19 Chris believes that it is no accident that many of the herbs which are associated with fish and cooking , such as parsley and fennel , grow better in places where fish have access to them .
20 Mushrooms containing the drug psilocyn grow all over Britain , notably on Hampstead Heath .
21 It 's especially important in a play like this , which is such a delicate and sensitive piece of writing , that the actors grow together as a cohesive group .
22 The transformation is made up of spiritual , intellectual and emotional elements which grow together into an autonomous state of mind : Sooner or later this attitude of autonomy expresses itself in doubt .
23 The mushroom compost might look a bit straw-like at first , but the plants soon grow together over it .
24 Grow together with Saitama Bank — sound , experienced and flexible in matching its services to new banking needs .
25 The four leaves grow together like clover .
26 They were awake before dawn and for the second time they heard the chorus begin as a trickle and grow swiftly to a torrent as the birds welcomed the great Trumpeter .
27 I may not possess any status or receive a substantial monthly pay cheque , but to have my trade grow entirely through my own efforts is one heck of a kick .
28 Alternatively , grow outside in full sun .
29 A detailed study of figure 1 will show that in the first three minutes after outbreak , the height of the flames grow approximately to the height of the ‘ level ’ of racking on which the fire started , by five minutes some four levels have been involved , and by seven minutes to eight minutes the flames will be breaking out at the top of the racking .
30 In the first place they need high temperatures : the mean annual temperature should not fall below 18° C ( 65° F ) , and they grow best with temperatures between 25 and 29° C ( 77 and 84° F ) .
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