Example sentences of "relationship have [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It had now become clear both that significant moves towards greater academic independence for the colleges meant Charter changes , and that proposals for improvements in relationships had to be worked out in greater detail .
2 Some relationships have to be let go in order that new ones can flourish .
3 When we talk of capitalism , we are concerned with a system which is based upon the need for what Weber calls ‘ forever renewed profit ’ through the selling of the worker 's labour power to the property-owning employer , and the consequences these socio-economic relationships have for the family .
4 Since then , despite deep and life changing bonds being formed , some relationships have at times threatened to go badly wrong .
5 The case of Instan seems to be authority for the proposition that a common-law duty was imposed upon the defendant to continue to care for her aunt , having once undertaken this responsibility.55 It would seem to follow from the fact that a relationship has to be created for the duty to arise that if the relationship ceases by one party releasing and absolving the other of his obligations , the duty also ceases .
6 He tries to convey to her the vital importance that their complex relationship has to him as a counterpoint to his work on the New Jerusalem .
7 First , the authority of the lecturer in the teaching relationship has to be to some degree granted by the student .
8 Indeed , the existence of a basic contractual relationship has in many situations provided a foundation for the erection of a fiduciary relationship .
9 In each case a working relationship had to be established between employment and education sectors , not without difficulty in certain areas where a lack of trust and respect between potential partners served only to highlight the depth of the cultural divide .
10 Their relationship had to be nurtured — the healing process encouraged .
11 It was rumoured that the relationship had at times been stormy .
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