Example sentences of "explain [adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The patient can explain only what the problem is .
2 Any claim to ‘ special knowledge ’ through faith or revelation or grace can not avoid the task of explaining just what this knowledge is knowledge of .
3 And I always spend the greater part of the first session explaining just what is going to happen and how he is going to feel ; as a result I hope that , by the time we begin the hypnosis itself , the patient will have had all his questions answered and his fears allayed , and will have begun to feel confidence in me and what I am about to do .
4 But this abolishes , in effect the distinction between particulars and universals , while leaving us with the problem of explaining just what is meant by " different " places and " different " times .
5 ‘ Would you mind explaining just what the hell you are talking about ? ’
6 Jamila was equally fine and fierce that day , explaining just who her damn body belonged to .
7 Jack Lewis was about to embark on his professional career as a college tutor at Magdalen ; and since not everyone is familiar with the way Oxford functions , it might be worth explaining exactly what his work was going to entail .
8 Incidentally , their researchers responded to my report to them by explaining away my reactions as being due to ‘ travel and change of climate , day time , and sleep patterns ’ .
9 It is more sensible , just as Thatcher said in Dublin at the end of April , to start by explaining clearly what European political union does not mean rather than waffling puffily about what it does .
10 ‘ That 's what you get in this house , ’ he said , without explaining precisely what it was you got .
11 A buyer needs to be kept informed about each and every detail that crops up during the course of the transaction and , immediately prior to exchange of contracts , it is good practice to supply a written report to the buyer , explaining precisely what the property entails in a legal sense .
12 are departments will be given an opportunity of explaining precisely what their development does for the village ?
13 I said that if any of them would like to come and see me at home , I would explain exactly what was happening .
14 The first thing you need is a sympathetic GP who will just listen and explain exactly what this illness is .
15 Let me just explain exactly what we do .
16 I made you wrong , and I said , well I still do n't agree with it , and I sort of explained exactly what I thought .
17 Right I 'll just explain quickly what it is then .
18 I mean , you 've got an education , you 're prepared to work , you 've got the right background and everything … if you could explain more I might be able to help more . ’
19 She could n't explain now her bitter fury of a few moments ago or why she had used Marie to take revenge on Simon .
20 As Mr Leslie had explained earlier he was completely sober and was not given to imagination , he screwed his eyes up looking for the reason for the footsteps ; he could n't see the feet but heard them quite distinctly passing him in the ballast below .
21 Right er let me explain briefly what 's going on .
22 To explain away what she managed to do . ’
23 Chairman , I 've listened with erm interest to Professor erm weasel words explaining that he did n't mean what he 's been saying for the past three years and trying to explain away what he 's effectively and he might as well admit it a complete volte face worse than that his agreement to an arrangement which he knows is second best .
24 He thought she might not have a heart , or tried to explain away her indifference by imagining she were made of obsidian through and through .
25 After the revolution , those authors who were not simply names to fill space on the badly produced jacket were usually sufficiently embarrassed to try to explain away their participation in the cult of Ceauşescu and thereby in lengthening his rule .
26 There may be some justification for this if you are trying to explain away your overdraft to the bank manager yet again .
27 As for Williams , who had an English father , it would be easy to explain away his hostility to England ; but the sorrier likelihood is that he saw quite justly the baleful mixture of timidity and arrogance which characterized literary London in his lifetime .
28 The king called Maclean of Duart to Edinburgh , to explain just what he thought he was at , creating havoc all over the west coast .
29 Once you have a few names , ask for estimates , but be sure to explain exactly what you want when it comes to details not included on the plans , such as the pattern of Artex on the ceiling , or the style of the doors , or perhaps you 'd like hardwood stairs .
30 IBM Corp 's James Cannavino took some time out to explain exactly what Louis Gerstner is doing with regard to the company 's restructuring — Gerstner , he says , ‘ has stopped any organisation in IBM that was creating a subsidiary just for accounting reasons ’ — instead , he decided it was better to change the accounting practices — ‘ which is great ’ declares Cannavino , ‘ because it means that the accountants are staying up as late as we do now ’ .
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