Example sentences of "explain why the " in BNC.

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1 But the Chancellor may have a hard time explaining why the pound has to shadow the Deutschmark .
2 It is an attitude which may go part of the way to explaining why the House of Commons Environment Committee was ‘ appalled ’ by the standard of evidence offered by the car manufacturing companies at its hearings on air pollution .
3 Those who sell dogs in the first place have a great deal to answer for when it comes to explaining why the human-dog relationship is so often a disastrous mismatch .
4 These facts go a long way towards explaining why the bream is not generally recognised as a hard-fighting fish .
5 I received twenty completed record sheets — and a load of very apologetic letters explaining why the remainder had been unable to do justice to the trial .
6 There are several versions of the tale explaining why The Flying Dutchman is accursed .
7 Labour 's Shadow Chancellor John Smith responded , explaining why the great poet would definitely have joined Amnesty had it existed in the 18th century .
8 ( A few months later , president George Bush underlined the non-equivalence of ‘ women ’ and ‘ American citizens ’ : explaining why the US saw fit to invade Panama , he said he could not tolerate assaults on ‘ the wife of an American citizen ’ .
9 Spaniards remain insouciant about their currency ( so often a country 's virility symbol ) partly because , during Franco 's dictatorship , the state-owned press used to spend half its time explaining why the latest devaluation was a good thing .
10 He falls back on the popular device for explaining why the working class fail to live up to what is expected of them — they are reduced to mindless automatons , responding only to right-wing media messages .
11 This goes some way to explaining why the complicated campaigns within Toulouse in the second half of the century were largely fought out under the banners of the Angevin , Aragonese , and French kings ; and why the revolts of Henry II 's sons had widespread ramifications .
12 Add to this cost the growth in government expenditure , and we are a long way in explaining why the real value of the tax threshold , or the level of income at which tax begins to be paid , has fallen during the post-war period .
13 The concentration of women in industries and occupations where seasonal , temporary and casual rather than fixed contract working prevails also goes much of the way to explaining why the majority of female temporary workers are also part-timers .
14 Each CV was tailored to a particular post by including a short paragraph explaining why the candidate was applying for the job .
15 The factor that may be decisive in explaining why the oil industry produced in west Thurso so great and prolonged an excess at ages 5–24 is the large number of incomers already associated with the nuclear industry .
16 These , taken together with inferences drawn from what the rebels did , go some way to explaining why the revolt took place .
17 On re-examination of the carotid bifurcation with carotid duplex ultrasound , a large smooth plaque was found in the bulb , causing a 30% stenosis , but parallel with the carotid bulb wall , explaining why the size of the plaque was not detected on angiography .
18 The fact that other quick-service restaurants are increasingly adopting the McDonald 's approach to business and training goes some way towards explaining why the sector is growing rapidly even in the midst of recession .
19 Explaining why the national forces which were raised did little good is not easy .
20 Explaining why the authorities changed their mind and committed themselves to the transfer of land is a prime difficulty in the history of the emancipation .
21 These religious tensions go a long way towards explaining why the party divide cut so deep into society : political strife during the first age of party did not just affect the political elite at the centre and a minority of the more affluent and better-educated classes in the localities , but all sorts of people , including those of fairly humble backgrounds , women as well as men , were caught up in the party divide .
22 They appeared in law school classrooms and law review articles , then as lawyers ' arguments in particular cases at law , then as judicial arguments in dissenting opinions explaining why the majority opinion , reflecting the orthodoxy of the time , was unsatisfactory , then as the opinions of the majority in a growing number of cases , and then as propositions no longer mentioned because they went without saying .
23 That Soviet fondness for improvisation doubtless explains why the local equivalent of HMSO does a miserable job of providing us with copies of draft laws under discussion .
24 St Clement , chosen by the Danes as the Patron Saint of their church , was martyred by being tied to an anchor and dropped in the sea — which explains why the symbol of today 's church shows an anchor surmounted by an eagle .
25 This complexity explains why the system of concepts and of values has no direct relationship with the process of production ; the two do n't fit .
26 And it is that uncertainty which limits the value the City can put on Sir Ernest 's other risky ventures , and explains why the share prices do not add up .
27 This may partly explains why the West German centre-right Conservative led government is adamant that there can be no further move to supra-national European Union that is not accompanied by a demonstrable system of Parliamentary accountability .
28 Its decline explains why the wholesale price of mistletoe has gone up this year by as much as £15 a hundredweight at England 's largest market — Tenbury Wells in Herefordshire .
29 That explains why the firm has been so reluctant to shed its pots and pans .
30 This partly explains why the review took the time it did , since the computer can spend nearly four days running a full set of figures .
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