Example sentences of "apply [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Both the trial judge and the Court of Appeal applied the law laid down by the Divisional Court of the Queen 's Bench Division in Reg. v. Commissioner for Local Administration , Ex parte Croydon London Borough Council [ 1989 ] 1 All E.R.
2 It seems likely that originally the coastal tribes applied the name orang-utan to the wild tribes of the interior .
3 With pull-out load torque applied the system is in unstable equilibrium , since any small increase in load retards the rotor , but this now leads to a reduction in motor torque .
4 The French applied the tourniquet just in time to stagger to a winning start .
5 Then he applied the lash to the horse 's flank , and we were off at speed .
6 The first one was done on an hourly basis , it 's the second one , where your Lordship applied the multiplier of two and half to a figure taken from Miss calculations of of thirty six thousand pounds one hundred and fifty .
7 But Grandmother Gertler had her own version and applied the word to less earth-shattering blessings .
8 It was Giorgio Vasari who applied the word ‘ Gothic ’ to Medieval architecture .
9 But France , which , as we have said , applied the doctrine in its first constitutions born of the Revolution , later adopted the British executive system , and this feature appeared in the Constitutions of the Third and Fourth Republics , and again , though greatly modified , in that of the Fifth Republic .
10 Of the Scottish Daily News , the study finds that it was inadequately financed from the outset ; was poorly equipped ; so applied the principle of workers ' control as to make ‘ executive decision taking impossible if not farcical ’ ; and produced an unacceptable product .
11 The client is then able to rely on the fact that even if s65(6)– ( 9 ) applied the benefit will not have been received in the United Kingdom because the benefit will be used to repay the interest on the loan ( and not the capital ) .
12 Leonid I. Ponomarev then applied the resonance theory to the case of deuterium — tritium ( ‘ dt ’ ) fusion and discovered that in a complicated molecule where two deuterons and one triton were encircled by two electrons and one muon the theory predicted that the fusion rate leapt enormously relative to what had been expected from the earlier simple theories .
13 This is given added weight by the Court of Appeal judgement of July 1988 which applied the Race Relations Act 1976 to travellers .
14 In that case , Hoffmann J. [ 1991 ] Ch. 48 interpreted and applied the decision of the European Court of Justice in the Torfaen case , and decided to grant a final injunction restraining B. & Q. from Sunday trading in breach of the Act of 1950 .
15 By studying the gospel references to the apocalyptic Jewish figure of the ‘ Son of Man ’ — whom Jesus sometimes appears to identify with himself , but sometimes not — Wrede had come to the conclusions that Jesus had not in fact applied the title to himself ; that after his resurrection the church had come to anticipate his return ; that it had then identified Jesus himself as the coming Son of Man ; and that the impression given in the gospels of a ‘ messianic secret ’ that Jesus in his lifetime conveyed only to his closest disciples , and charged them not to reveal to others until the proper time came , was a mere literary device to support that identification .
16 He applied the flannel repeatedly , then wound it around her tender joint and fastened it again with the safety-pin .
17 There followed a family of streamlined cars , designed by W. L. ‘ Mac ’ Marshall of English Electric , who applied the railcoach features to open single-deckers and two types of double-deck car .
18 Nevertheless the Act is based upon this distinction ; some other countries have followed the logic and applied the legislation to all forms of information systems , whether manual or electronic , but it is not known how effective such legislation is .
19 The Court of Appeal applied the restraint of trade doctrine and found that the agreement was reasonable .
20 With the consent of the donor , the Commission applied the fund instead to encouraging secondary schools in the crofting areas to carry out schemes for the improvement of the village environment
21 He went in , struck a match and applied the flame to the gas mantle .
22 To visualize the positions of all efferent neurons that exit via the vii/viii nerve , we therefore applied the retrograde axonal tracer DiI to the exit point in r4 .
23 274 , the only case of authority on the point which is at the heart of this appeal ( which case in any event is not binding on your Lordships ) , applied the obiter dicta in Lawrence to reach an erroneous conclusion .
24 If so , this may mean that you applied the strapping ; too tightly .
25 Yvor Winters , eschewing lurid and unstable metaphors of bloodpoisoning and leukaemia , applied the discipline of intellectual history to isolate the virus that for him too disabled American literature of the north-east .
26 Rideout faces a three-match ban after catching Peacock right in front of referee Gerald Ashby , who earlier applied the letter of the law when Southall instinctively grabbed a backpass straight at his midriff whilestanding a yard outside his area .
27 One of these visions is that of the Indian Aurobindo in which he applied the theory of evolution to the cosmos .
28 The last fish he had landed was a magnificent sea-trout weighing 6lb and , as he applied the priest , he was telling his companions about a similar fish , caught by his father in the dim and distant past : ‘ A beautiful fish , gentlemen , just like this one is . ’
29 A Mattel Kriss-Kross mountain bike with stabilisers had caught his neck , when he looked up , and brought him to the ground yet it was the red and yellow tractor which applied the pressure that made his neck give way with an awful crack .
30 Nobody applied the term ‘ silly season ’ to the news that a man had got into Buckingham Palace and had a chat with the Queen , sitting on the edge of her bed .
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