Example sentences of "base as [pron] " in BNC.

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1 My Lords , I er apologise first of all that I was not able to hear some of the earlier speeches in this Debate erm but it does seem to me a most interesting Debate and I have to confess that I always become slightly uneasy er when the great and the good , and I suppose we should collectively cast ourselves in that role of being the great and good of the establishment are all of one view and I wonder whether it is necessarily right and so I begin to question er whether your Lordships enthusiasm for many of these amendments and their attack upon the Government 's proposals is necessarily as soundly based as we might think if we just listen to casually to it all .
2 But there is a natural barrier of around 40 per cent , which appears to be the maximum vote for any European party of the left , based as they are on earlier 20th-century political formations arising from industrial production .
3 Many previous , and indeed popular , diets have been based upon fads and fashions and not as scientifically based as they might be .
4 Hence , their views , based as they are on personal first-hand experiences , form an important body of evidence about whether or to what extent Britain lives up to its reputation as a liberal democratic country .
5 Homelessness has been on the increase for a long time and Government initiatives , based as they are on encouraging the private sector to fill the gap left by local authorities , have been essentially piecemeal and fragmentary .
6 In fact his death made this unrealizable , although Engels 's book , The Origin of the Family , Private Property and the State , based as it is on Marx 's notes , was intended to be the one that Marx was unable to write .
7 Based as it was on principles of race , with the figure of the Jew as the focal point of all hatred , and with the Führer as its ideological and organizational fulcrum , the Nazi Movement needed no regular orders or directions from Hitler to step up the pace of anti Jewish actions and discrimination , pushing the government and the State bureaucracy into action , and always therefore increasing the radicalizing momentum of racial policy .
8 The ‘ chief executive ’ view , often put forward as a radical set of ideas , is in fact profoundly conservative — based as it is upon a traditional , hierarchical mode of thought .
9 On paper , it seemed a very bankable prospect , based as it was on a successful stage musical by Alan J. Lerner and Burton Lane .
10 Our comprehension , however , based as it is on observation , intuition , and guesswork is always only partial .
11 And that statement , given that such a book can never be complete nor , when based as it is on Burke 's volume , without error , is true .
12 Edwards noted in 1977 that ‘ reorganisation in Scotland , based as it is on small authorities , is unlikely to do much to stimulate development ’ .
13 It is difficult to accept Gandhi 's argument , based as it is on an evolutionary view of history , that mankind is continually moving in the direction of an utopia where ahi sā will prevail .
14 But this is not as narrowly based as it might first appear .
15 That we do not treat animals with at least the same respect that we treat such unfortunate human creatures is seen by the liberationists as ‘ speciesism ’ in its purest form based as it is only upon the anatomical difference .
16 They failed to achieve their objectives and , in a sense , they were bound to fail because their power , based as it was on financial and propagandist resources , was no match for established constitutional and democratic procedures .
17 The claim that on this basis the Greek fossils fit better with Australopithecus afarensis is certainly correct , but based as it is on primitive characters this conclusion has no phylogenetic significance .
18 Linked to this , a central factor in the familial ideology , was the increased ideological separation of home from work , based as it was on the withdrawal of the lady from social labour .
19 Havelock Ellis suggested that male sexuality was unproblematical , being direct and forceful , based as it was in the original primitive seizure of the female by the male .
20 I would respectfully agree with this comment , based as it is on the premise that the case can be brought within one or other of the paragraphs of section 82(1) .
21 Based as it is on " literary standards " culled from the nineteenth-century realist tradition , it does not envisage the possibility of " reflecting " the complexity of the historical process in anything other than relatively conventional and traditional formal terms .
22 Based as it is on the north western edge of Snowdonia the centre is an ideal base for all kinds of climbing .
23 There has been a transformation in the economy of Wales , which is now as much electronics and science based as it is steel and coal based .
24 The competitive trading principle is highly transparent , based as it is on centralised and competitive pricing .
25 Registration of title is no guarantee of boundaries , showing general boundaries only , although the clarity and accuracy of the filed plan ( based as it is on the Ordnance Survey ) is commonly superior to most of the plans you 'll find on the unregistered title .
26 He 's hoping Wychwood will join that list , based as it is , on his own special memories of a haunting wood .
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