Example sentences of "secretary of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Prime Ministers and Foreign Secretaries of France , Germany , Italy , the Benelux or wherever should be reminded that they will have to account to their own Parliament .
2 Secretaries of committees often tape-record what is said .
3 There are in addition 10 Ministers-Delegate and 16 secretaries of states [ see also p. 38198 ] .
4 Secretaries of State for Trade and Industry may come and go but Sir Jeffrey Sterling , chairman of the P&O group , has long been part of the furniture at 1 Victoria Street .
5 In devising policies to ensure national security with minimal loss of independence in the post-imperial era , successive Secretaries of State for Defence and their principal military advisers , the Chiefs of Staff , have had to grapple with three dominant factors : a growing Soviet military threat ; a decline in Britain 's ability to create wealth until the very recent Thatcher revolution ; and an accelerating rate of technological change .
6 Most Secretaries of State only manage to tap the helm , giving Defence policy little more than a change in emphasis during their time in office .
7 In consequence , Secretaries of State tended to look elsewhere within the Ministry and elsewhere for impartial advice .
8 Government would benefit if , barring accidents , Secretaries of State remained with their departments for longer .
9 Both in Health and Education , the new Secretaries of State have the advantage that those they have to deal with on the shopfloor , so to speak , will know that the Government 's policies are now here to stay .
10 Mr John MacGregor inherits Transport , which has proved a bed of nails for a succession of Secretaries of State .
11 Those federalists who make the comparison with the United States ignore the growing body of opinion which supports constitutional reform there ( including the idea that Secretaries of State should be cross-examined on the floor of the House , as in Westminster ) , the chronically low level of participation in elections , and the widespread dissatisfaction with the federal system .
12 Not only does Scotland enjoy greater differences from England than Bavaria does from the rest of Germany ( in virtue of its legal system , Church and education system ) , its needs and those of Wales are dealt with by having Secretaries of State and Parliamentary Grand Committees .
13 In April 1988 the Secretaries of State for Education and Science and for Wales appointed a Working Group to advise them on appropriate attainment targets and programmes of study for English .
14 Following consultations , the Secretaries of State made an Order on 31 May 1989 covering the targets and programmes in English for key stage 1 only .
15 1.1 The National Curriculum English Working Group was set up on 29 April 1988 by the Secretaries of State for Education and Science and for Wales to advise on attainment targets , programmes of study , and associated assessment arrangements for English in the National Curriculum for the period of compulsory schooling .
16 Our first Report , submitted to the Secretaries of State for Education and Science and for Wales on 30 September 1988 , made recommendations for attainment targets and programmes of study for English for the primary stages , and also contained a number of chapters relevant to the whole of the compulsory school age range .
17 For levels 4 and 5 , our recommendations are based on those of the National Curriculum Council ( NCC ) following the consultations on the Secretaries of State 's proposals for English 5 to 11 .
18 1.26 The 1988 Act requires the Secretaries of State to revise the curriculum from time to time ; we assume that NCC and CCW , among others , will advise them on this , and that such revision will include attainment targets , the allocation of statements of attainment to levels , programmes of study and methods of assessment .
19 The respective Secretaries of State have powers to call the matter in to public inquiry .
20 The real power struggle is behind the scenes , in the informal advisory bodies with access to Secretaries of State , in the Cabinet committees , in the meetings of Ministers with their powerful back-benchers , and in the informal cabals that focus energies on future policy .
21 This was the contention that the court ought not to entertain the action ‘ because to do so would be detrimental to national security ’ , the defence referring to the long-established practice of Secretaries of State not to disclose or discuss the existence of a warrant .
22 Successive Secretaries of State have stated that only by the unvarying observance of this practice is it possible to ensure that in no circumstances is anything said or not said which , by comparison with what was said on a different occasion , might imply that a warrant had or had not been issued .
23 In the view of successive Secretaries of State it is essential in the interests of national security and of any other grounds for which a warrant may be issued that no such inference should ever be capable of being drawn .
24 The Commissioner also accepted assurances by the five Secretaries of State involved that they never issue warrants without a careful review of the papers and a proper consideration of the matters which they are required to consider and take into account under the Act .
25 One must remember too that the authors of many of the changes we now see have been Conservative Secretaries of State .
26 Many secretaries of state are not particular admirers of their junior ministers and do not care for the department to be represented by them at OD .
27 On 19th August , 1856 , Hall sent identical letters to Clarendon and Panmure , saying that he had directed Hunt to prepare the instructions for the competition , and asked the Secretaries of State to appoint a representative from each of their departments to give Hunt the ‘ extent and kind of accommodation required ’ .
28 His two secretaries at the Board became the Under Secretaries , and in many respects the new Office was similar in organization to Offices of the other Secretaries of State .
29 Once Heseltine departed , succeeding Secretaries of State for the Environment such as King , Jenkins and Baker , were unwilling or unable to sustain this vision .
30 Pre-Windscale , he recalled , two Secretaries of State had been on a collision course .
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