Example sentences of "deal [prep] as " in BNC.

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1 Well , we 're anxious that there is n't an escalation of this crisis , that it may be dealed with as Brigadier Harbottle has written in a letter to the Guardian today , dealt with , er more through first of all an attempt by the Arab nations to come to some agreement amongst themselves and agreement which will satisfy them and be a more long-lasting one .
2 He became mayor again after the war only to be dismissed by a British officer of the occupying forces , who found him as awkward to deal with as the Nazis had .
3 ‘ It is entirely a personal matter and one for Graham to deal with as he thinks best . ’
4 It was difficult to deal with as the boat had no crew.There was danger because gas cylinders had exploded .
5 Goods can be unloaded and dealt with as soon as they arrive from the manufacturer .
6 ‘ Proof of the five parts of stealing will be dealt with as follows :
7 Any new arrivals should be dealt with as they come in and guests ' folios started .
8 As you see , there are six auxiliary items , and these are dealt with as follows .
9 It was suggested to the Criminal Law Revision Committee that in the light of ‘ the strong feelings of revulsion ’ which homosexual rape arouses and which may prejudice the defendant , such conduct should be dealt with as indecent assault rather than as buggery .
10 Here , reports were prepared and distributed at regular intervals and the occasional request for ad hoc information was dealt with as the need arose .
11 It is not possible to personally do this for 45 Area Secretaries monthly , so the new Monthly Report is dealt with as follows :
12 The problems within the dramatic fiction are dealt with as they arise ; the teacher tries to keep the focus , intervenes as necessary and ensures that there are periods of reflection when everyone can consider carefully the meaning and significance of what has happened .
13 Unless the court otherwise directs , money received or paid into court in respect of persons under disability shall remain in court and be invested or dealt with as the court thinks fit , which in many cases may be its transfer to the High Court ( Ord 10 , r 11(1) — ( 3 ) ) .
14 Lord Wilberforce pointed out that the problem was not to be dealt with as though it were a philosophical question which distinguishes identity from attributes : …
15 I think one has to remember that these are people coming from a war-torn area that had been held in either refugee camps or detention centres and they will be traumatised and although they may not be injured , they 've suffered some horror , so they 'll have emotional problems to be dealt with as well .
16 But Coun Bob Pendlebury , deputy leader of the county council 's ruling Labour group , said potential problems would be dealt with as they arose .
17 But Coun Bob Pendlebury , deputy leader of the county council 's ruling Labour group , said it was recognised that there might be problems , but they would be dealt with as they arose .
18 This possibility of precedence confusion can be dealt with as follows .
19 In on the fourteenth of July of nineteen ninety three the defendant took out a summons with a view to having all the outstanding matters resolved and er this summons came before erm deputy master on the twelfth of August nineteen ninety three and he gave various directions including an enquiry in relation to how the surgery premises er ought to be dealt with as in court in the winding up of the partnership and that matter went before Mr Justice long in December and he decided those issues and gave directions in relation to and how the premises are to be sold , the effect of the directions very vaguely , is that the premises have to be offered to the partners , if only one of the partners shows any interest then there is provision in the relevant deed for ascertaining the price and this is put to that partner at that price , if more than one partner wishes to buy the premises then there is provision for a fixing of a minimum figure and then each of the partners has to put in sealed offers er and the premises will be sold to the partner , the former partner who put in the last offer , that broadly speaking I think is the substance of Mr Justice order .
20 Whether strictly order twenty eight , er order sixty , rule twenty eight for erm applies in this case is not amount entirely clear to me because the obligation to lodge a bill of taxation under rule twenty nine provides that he must begin proceedings for the taxation either within three months after the judgement direction or order of the terminations enter sides are otherwise perfected , and that is presently on it 's face which seemed to be debited May of nineteen ninety three and er accordingly that is right , it 's not in fact been any failure to comply with order tw order sixty two , rule twenty nine , one , and that has n't been disregarded , it 's not entirely clear to me that erm there is any matter come from paragraph sub paragraph A of rule twenty eight , four , it may already require , still nevertheless erm fall within paragraph B of rule fo , erm there has in fact been a delay in lodging the bill of costs for taxation , the delay being really and truly , the delay in having the order of Mr Justice perfected and it seems to me that although in chasing matters generally speaking it is the court will itself draw the order , nevertheless where er it seems to be clearly in this case would contemplate it that counsel would sign a minute erm that counsel do sign a minute and that minute has been signed having forwarded by the defendants solicitors to the defendants solicitors seems to me it must be the case that erm the obligation to , as it were , forward that minute to the court , it is an obligation which would lie upon the plaintiffs solicitors and it maybe said that erm there has been delay and erm on the best it should be lodged with the court sealed , er shortly after it was received and that therefore on that footing there has been delay lodging the bill of costs for concession , er Mr , doctor does n't seemed to be take any point in relation to that er because it 's not in his interest to do so , it seems to be that he does have to say if it has been delayed , with an order of twenty eight rule four that 's a rule , rule , rule twenty eight er four if he is to have interest disbarred and er Mr er he 'll apparently have the matter of read before the taxing master , it seems that the taxing master did not chew any sympathy with that er suggestion , that er there was in fact no breach of the requirement rule twenty , four , Mr he said , very probably , that erm , look on text upon it , he really is concerned to erm have this case dealt with as you put it on the merits , it seems to me it 's in the interest of all parties that erm I should deal with the case on merits have on the assumption erm that er , that that was lodged properly I think , I ca I , a matter of which found within rule twenty eight , four and that the taxing officer give our interest under that rule .
21 One of the accusations used and levelled against er against Christianity against the , the evangelical message , against things like the , the mission of Graham and , and others is that it , it does n't meet the needs the , the material needs of people but if you deal with the persons spiritual needs , if their sins are forgiven , those problems that are causing the material problem , it 's amazing how there are dealt with as well , the best way to sober up a person , the best way to deal with a person who 's an alcoholic , the best way to deal with a person who is a drug addict , the best way to deal with a person who , who commits adultery is not by telling them the wrongs of those things , it 's not by trying to , to , to do , to , to , you know , to , to counsel them it 's presenting the gospel allowing Jesus Christ to come into their lives and to forgive them , that will make the person sober quicker than all the counselling in the world and Paul says I brought you the most important the fundamental thing , that Christ died for our sins Paul again when he 's writing to the Romans in chapter five and verse eight he says but God demonstrates his own love towards us , in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us so God did in Jesus Christ what we could n't do for ourselves , so all of you have sin , so all of my sin , and he came and he died on the cross and as he was dying there was that transmit there , for he was n't dying for his own sin buy he was dying for your sin and for mine , it was all piled on him and so when we except what Christ has done , when we come to that place and yes I believe that you died for me ,
22 without actually dealing with as and an order close , if I can I 'll cover the multitude of things , right Now what would you say if somebody said I wan na look at aluminium windows
23 Fitted carpets , though warm , are not a good idea for the bathroom and lavatory of an elderly person who may have minor ‘ mishaps ’ and spillages which they can not easily deal with as they advance into old age .
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