Example sentences of "wait for an " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes it is necessary to wait for an incoming aircraft which might cause a slight delay before you proceed to the resort .
2 We had to wait for an hour for our connection to Frankfurt .
3 With no time to wait for an ambulance , Colin , 27 , rang the midwife who issued instructions as he dashed up and down the stairs between the phone and the bathroom .
4 To prepare this article I had to wait for an event on a day when the visibility was gin-clear to get good photographs from my open cockpit Jodel D9 , using a telephoto lens at various focal lengths to obtain the required framing .
5 Turning to those who were referred by the GP to another agency , a major problem experienced by this group was the length of time they had to wait for an appointment ( see also Watson 1985 ) .
6 Sometimes he would have to wait for an hour or more before he could find someone to carry him to the Collector 's side .
7 She seemed to wait for an initiative from her friend .
8 Meanwhile , Pogo would just have to wait for an answer .
9 But , although she smiled briefly at Folly in a friendly enough way , she seemed too distracted to wait for an answer , and started to usher them inside .
10 I must ask my right hon. Friend to wait for an answer to his question about persistent offenders .
11 Or whether you 've had to wait for an hour in the rain for the bus to come along , whether you 're in a good mood or a bad mood .
12 But , alas , she was destined to have to wait for an answer , as Nettie , the housekeeper , chose that very moment to come into the room carrying a tea-tray .
13 Heather Courtley , whose son was the patient who had to wait for an hour , said she was not reassured .
14 But British and French workers did not have to wait for an economic upturn .
15 Nor can we simply wait for an effect to go away .
16 Sometimes children must wait for an empty chair at the milk table before they can sit down .
17 After a meal , when relaxing over a cup of coffee , it is easier to discuss important matters — even a crisis can usually wait for an hour or so before being thought about and tackled .
18 Although adults can wait for an expected reward , for example until the end of the month for their salary , pre-school children can not wait for even a few hours .
19 Rather than wait for an employment appeal tribunal , they went on strike .
20 He did n't wait for an answer .
21 ‘ What did you say , dear ? ’ she asked , but did n't wait for an answer .
22 He did not wait for an answer , but quickly helped Anne into his boat .
23 So also , where an impoverished family left their accommodation on receipt of a distress warrant for rent arrears rather than wait for an eviction order , they were held by the House of Lords to have become homeless intentionally and this encouraged local housing authorities to require such orders before accepting such homeless applicants .
24 She did n't wait for an answer .
25 He turned to a small table by the door , struck a match to light the oil-lamp , and then carefully adjusted it , making me wait for an answer .
26 He did not wait for an answer but led the way through to the kitchen .
27 Alexander Vass did not wait for an invitation .
28 The Prince did n't even wait for an answer but turned to a small table beside him , slopped two goblets full of wine , rose and thrust them at his unwanted guests .
29 He did n't wait for an answer , but strode forward to snuff out the candle , then edged the door open again .
30 She did n't wait for an answer .
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