Example sentences of "sure [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Macca said in his column , that nobody knew about the deal until it was all but completed and said he was sure everyone at Leeds and the supporters would wish him great success at Blackburn .
2 However , I 'm sure everyone around the table will be conscious that one of the things the panel has a duty to do is to consider what is in the light of national guidance .
3 Make sure everyone in the family is treated at the same time .
4 Make sure everyone in the family knows what to do if a fire does start , especially at night .
5 I 'm sure everyone in the office guesses . ’
6 But after she had finished the first part of her lecture ; after slightly nodding her head to the generous applause ; after the lights had gone up again ; after Ashenden had said ( as every chairman since Creation had said ) how much everyone had enjoyed the talk and how grateful everyone was that not only had the distinguished speaker fascinated each and every one of them but also had agreed to answer any questions which he was absolutely sure everyone in the room was aching to put to such a distinguished expert in the field … it was only then that Dr Moule was able to survey the two intruders .
7 ‘ We 'll be out to make sure nothing like that happens again .
8 Anyway , now that you 're here and we 'll be getting to know one another better , I 'm sure nothing like that will happen again . ’
9 6 Walker certainly took her career as an artist seriously and made sure nothing in her life-style obstructed a total commitment .
10 I 'm sure someone like Graeme Souness at Liverpool feels like I do when our teams lose , but expectations change when you 're at the top compared to the bottom .
11 Or perhaps I should say , ‘ Another of the Black Sumatras has done it ’ — for our three sooty chickens of this exotic breed are indistinguishable from one another , and we can not be sure which of them has excelled itself .
12 He was n't sure which of them was meant to have been in school uniform .
13 ( Even now I am not sure which of us was right . )
14 Even then it was difficult to be sure which of the shadowy tumbled shapes was the one in which Marian had dropped the sack .
15 On the other side of the rim I can see way over the savannah in the direction of the Mountain of God , which is reduced in size so that I ca n't be sure which of the outcrops on the horizon it is .
16 He was n't even sure which of them it showed .
17 ‘ I 'm not sure which of us is in worse condition at the moment ! ’
18 The judges decided they could not be sure which of Sarbutts ' stories was true and quashed Turner 's conviction , Mr Roberts said .
19 The more readily answered questions , nothing wrong with it , it 's great but again er you fall into patterns do n't you I 'm sure you on training courses we know that er one or two people are content to have the answer , so what will the rest of us do ?
20 So We 've got the right policies , I believe in Europe , I 'm sure you round the room here tonight do , it 's an issue we 've got to raise .
21 I 'm sure none of us noticed what must have been expressions of pure panic on the faces of our two teachers and the several parents who had volunteered to keep their own children and their classmates from certain death by drowning in the pool .
22 Treat them gently and make sure none of them are broken or there 'll be trouble . ’
23 It was a tremendous morale-booster for Michael to do something of the sort again , but I am sure none of the delegates at the conference knew of the pain he was in , nor how much discomfort he concealed behind his ready laugh .
24 ‘ I work in sales and am sure none of my clients would take me seriously if I did n't turn up in a sharp suit .
25 Make sure none of the window area is included within the shot otherwise you could be giving yourself a problem with backlighting .
26 As we walked on to the jetty , I was watching carefully to make sure none of my trunks was left on board .
27 ‘ I 'm a Time Lord , remember ? ’ he whispered back , keen to make sure none of the others overheard him .
28 Er to make sure none of the empty flats was broke into , and items removed such as copper tanks , electrical fittings .
29 Well , at those prices I 'm sure none of us would have wished to accompany the old snob .
30 I 'm sure none of us would mind if you just did n't bring any at all . "
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