Example sentences of "god may be " in BNC.

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1 In its broadest sense , we can talk of the ‘ sacramentality ’ of life , in that God may be seen , experienced and discovered in the normality of life .
2 It might , therefore , be said that if this is a fair representation of Hinduism , the major religion of the Far East , then Hinduism is polytheistic in two ways — both in saying that many gods exist and in saying that many gods may be followed .
3 In the next chapter I examine further the idea that believers in God may be less than certain of God 's existence .
4 God may be totally other to humanity , but at the same time ( as in the quotation from sura 50 ) God is said to be closer to a human being than is his or her jugular vein .
5 For example , under the heading ‘ praise ’ a set of songs that are helpful in leading the congregation into an awareness of the presence of God may be used .
6 Indeed , the theodicy question as to how one could ever use such texts as a medium through which to worship God may be thought to be even more insoluble than is Schüssler Fiorenza 's finding inspiration in the early Christian community .
7 Above all the understanding of God is an imaginative construct , for we have no access to what God may be in God 's self .
8 God may be dead .
9 All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the truth , rebuking error , correcting faults , and giving instruction for right living , so that the person who serves God may be fully qualified and equipped to do every kind of good deed .
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