Example sentences of "remember [Wh det] they " in BNC.

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1 Until now reconnaisance pilots , because their hands and eyes are fully occupied , have had to remember what they see and compile reports later .
2 If they think about it at all , they think of a mythical golden age when children at school were naturally obedient , and , if not , were forced to learn and to remember what they were told .
3 ‘ If Mrs Thatcher had resigned out of the blue , then I think more people would be able to remember what they were doing , ’ says Dr Wright .
4 He tried to remember what they used to listen to but the names that came were too embarrassingly ancient to be spoken in public , even to William .
5 Dimly doing her best to remember what they 'd taught her at school , Diane believed that she 'd managed to work out the map reference by the time that Ross Aldridge arrived at the Hall .
6 When the White House lawyer first tried to debrief Reagan on what he knew of the affair , the president was said to have told him stories of Hollywood ; when journalists badgered him about the deals he had half-wittingly struck with Israel and Iran in August 1985 , he replied amiably : ‘ Everybody that can remember what they were doing on August 8th 1985 , raise your hand . ’
7 ‘ No one can remember what they were doing the day Angela Brickell disappeared . ’
8 Now he could hardly remember what they looked like .
9 But then most columns in the press are written with the tacit understanding that the readers wo n't remember what they have read and columnists wo n't remember what they have written .
10 But then most columns in the press are written with the tacit understanding that the readers wo n't remember what they have read and columnists wo n't remember what they have written .
11 But when the dust on these rows settles , the public wo n't remember what they were about .
12 It sounds like all the others and you ca n't remember what they were called either , can you ?
13 And the adults with whom they interact must continue to be interested in what they have to say , more concerned to answer questions and to sustain and extend their interests than to tell them what the adults think they ought to know and then to check that they can remember what they were told ( Wood , 1983 ) .
14 They could have a headache depending on how it was caused , they could be confused , but not always and there could be that brief loss of consciousness and so you must check the memory recall if they do know what 's happened well then go back a little bit further to see if they can remember what they did last night or something but erm , make sure , on that memory recall .
15 They tell you important things , things you want to hear , and five minutes later they ca n't remember what they 've said .
16 And I ca n't remember what they called the whisky .
17 But he remembers to throw some directly at the little black ones that are not really ducks , he ca n't remember what they 're called .
18 He was old , Feargal , maybe confused ; maybe he did n't even remember what they were about …
19 I could n't do that , I mean , I had responsibilities and if I had time I 'd remember what they were .
20 I ca n't remember what I ca n't remember what they charge , it is on that bill what they charge for a Saturday .
21 His other brother drives for them er , ca n't remember what they 're called .
22 Ca n't remember what they were stuffed with can you ?
23 I ca n't remember what they look like .
24 I was fucking shocked , I ca n't remember what they are
25 We 're also gon na look at where they live , remember what they 're income is etcetera and the important thing is because of these increases here and because of the recession in general , it dictated to us that there were gon na be more one and two person households .
26 Anybody remember what they are ?
27 I suppose they remember what they want to remember .
28 I know what men are and just remember what they say cleanliness is next to godliness .
29 I would wager heavily that years later those children still remember what they learnt that morning .
30 I cant remember what they said , but Jimmy Greaves is the columnist .
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