Example sentences of "fall [prep] that " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But the one true faith , ’ went on Constance balefully , ‘ have gone and fallen for that codswallop .
2 Anybody fallen for that one ?
3 I thought it was all a joke , you 've really got to be some schmuck to fall for that one .
4 And who wants to fall for that ?
5 For one thing , Jenkins is far too astute to fall for that , and for another other Welsh clubs are enthusiastic in his support .
6 Neville never was a hippy , he used to hate taking LSD , he used to wear the clothes , but he was a bit too shrewd to fall for that .
7 Husam eddin rejects the story of the quarrel and the dating of Molla Fenari 's departure in the reign of Bayezid I , asserting that Karaman had been wholly taken over by the Ottomans in 793/1391 while the documents ( dated 796,802 and 804 ) show Molla Fenari 's period of office as kadi to have fallen after that date ; and he says rather that Molla Fenari returned to Karaman with Karamanoglu Mehmed Bey in early 805/summer 1402 , following the battle of Ankara ( Dhu " l-Hijja 804/July 1402 ) , when the latter was freed and reinstated by Timur and Karaman reconstituted as an independent state .
8 ‘ I know that 's what Mueller 's always wanted , but Nate and the Executive Committee would never fall for that bloody empire-building game !
9 Must n't fall for that .
10 ‘ If you think I 'll fall for that , you must think me very stupid indeed .
11 You did n't fall for that ludicrous theory — advanced , if I recall correctly , in the Sunday Telegraph — that Punch died when it was deserted by the nation 's finest cartoonists ?
12 Of course he did n't fall for that .
13 ‘ Maybe you really have lost your memory or you 'd know I would n't fall for that .
14 I 'm glad I did n't fall for that hazardous country gesture of spontaneity , as glib as whistling .
15 He wo n't fall for that .
16 Oh Joyce you did n't fall for that did you ?
17 Of course they 're all putting their hands up by me see , and Da , I thought David would clock , and he never said a word , I thought he ai n't sussed it , anyway they went on this night out and the girls kept saying , Debbie saying oh Lynn just come , I said I ai n't got no intentions of coming , I said David 's going amongst all the others I 'm not going , so Debbie said why , I said why because David is nothing but a wanker , a lot , along , a lot of the others , she said , she nearly fell off the chair , gordon bennett she said I never thought you , I never realised you felt like that , I said Debbie if you knew half of what I thought you would fall off that chair
18 And in the unlikely event that the level of the FT-SE 100 Index should actually fall during that period , we guarantee to return the original amount of your investment provided the Bond is held for 5 years .
19 Midland Pensions are unit linked plans and since the value of units can go down as well as up it is possible that the value may fall below that of the original investment .
20 If the Cytherean greenhouse effect were ‘ switched off ’ but everything else were left the same the average surface temperature would fall from 730 K to 230 K. For the Earth , the corresponding temperatures are 288 K and 253 K. Thus , though Venus is closer to the Sun than the Earth its surface temperature would actually fall below that of the Earth .
21 Let those who will fall into that space , and fall for ever .
22 Our knife , he decides , does not fall into that category .
23 I wo n't fall into that trap . ’
24 Do n't fall into that trap .
25 At least Morton would never fall into that trap …
26 I have a wee notion that JTR might fall into that category too .
27 Incidentally , mooning is n't one of my habits but for another canoeist to refer to the ‘ dork2 who owns a red Escort van is a rather nebulous description of someone who could fall into that category simply because he owns a red van and whose hobby happens to be canoeing — it makes one feel guilty without trial .
28 Few hours later he calls , we 're the funeral parlour , right ? he 's recommended us , we do the honours , bury them , ’ and his mouth opened like a grave , you could fall into that mouth for ever and ever , amen , and all those crooked grey teeth of his , no names that you could see , no names or dates , just blank , so nobody could find you , nobody could visit , nobody could leave flowers .
29 ‘ We might make the odd administrative error , Detective Inspector , but releasing the wrong men does n't usually fall into that category . ’
30 Let myself fall into that trap again ?
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