Example sentences of "issue which [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This is an issue which encompasses important sociological debates about all three great classes outlined in our model in Chapter 2 ( see p. 55 ) .
2 In the end , it was also the issue which secured a vital nail in the coffin of Britain 's nuclear dream .
3 At this period the magazine still reviewed jazz records , and Alun Morgan considered a Verve issue which contained recordings from a 1946 concert given in Carnegie Hall by Woody Herman and his Orchestra .
4 Rock musician Roy Harper began a libel action against Emap Metro Ltd trading as ‘ Q ’ magazine , following an article in the July 1989 issue which alleged he snorted cocaine on stage .
5 The Hammersmith and Leonard Arthur cases began a national debate over the ‘ right to live ’ issue which continues today .
6 The role of " burden-sharing " among NATO allies in terms of costs and responsibilities , an issue which developed further during June-December 1989 , was dominated by consideration of the future level of US forces stationed in Western Europe , principally in West Germany .
7 This option enables you to enter the details of an Issue which forms an association , like a cross-reference , between a Product and a Client .
8 In an interview with The Scotsman , he said : ‘ It 's an issue which goes wider than education — to family life and social values , and whether we are prepared to accept the responsibilities we have as well as the rights we enjoy . ’
9 A stand-alone facility is delivered with the LIFESPAN issue which allows module headers to be mass-produced .
10 A few months after I joined the Department of Transport in 1979 I was presented with an issue which had baffled governments for well over a hundred years .
11 It was the first protest that the capital had seen about acid rain , an environmental issue which had stimulated political curiosity but very little action .
12 To the Inquiry Inspector , Michael Barnes , this point-blank refusal to discuss an issue which had become central to the nuclear debate was like a red rag to a bull .
13 Europe had been the policy issue which had precipitated his challenge and he reiterated his differences with Mrs Thatcher over Europe .
14 However , the Heilbron Report made no proposals to change the law on the issue which had been at stake in the Morgan case — that a man could escape a rape conviction if he thought that the woman was consenting whether she was or not .
15 Gault J. delivering the judgment of the court also dealt expressly with the cancellation issue which had been argued in the course of the appeal .
16 The final hurdle was overcome on Dec. 18 , when the Ministers approved a directive on the question of solvency and capital adequacy for banks-an issue which had already caused deep disagreement , notably in West Germany , where fears had been expressed that it would lead to a dilution of the sector 's relatively high national standards .
17 Existing East German laws on abortion would continue to apply for two years pending a new law to be passed by the all-German parliament ( thus resolving the issue which had caused most dispute among the parties at the end of negotiations on the treaty ) .
18 The specific issue which had brought down Syse 's coalition was the insistence by the Centre Party ( SP ) , representing in the main the heavily protected and subsidized agricultural sector and with a long-standing tradition of opposition to the European Communities ( EC ) , that Norway retain its so-called concessionary laws which impeded foreign ownership of property , financial institutions and industrial enterprises .
19 However , the bill exempted the mosque in Ayodhya , Uttar Pradesh , an issue which had provoked fierce rioting in recent years and had played a major part in the collapse of the government of V. P. Singh in November 1990 [ see p. 37854 ] .
20 Mitsotakis 's sensitivity on the issue of his family 's political involvement was seen to reflect his desire to avoid charges of unethical conduct by his government , the issue which had effectively brought down his ( socialist ) predecessor Andreas Papandreou .
21 The conference ( a triennial meeting scheduled between NAM summits ) took place in the context of the effective ending of the " Cold War " , the issue which had been the immediate stimulus for the original formation of the Non-aligned Movement in 1961 .
22 The agreement did not provide for a specific " quota of power " for the FMLN , an issue which had been a major sticking-point in negotiations .
23 The negotiations started positively , with agreement on separate Palestinian representation within the joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation , the issue which had caused the collapse of the second round of talks .
24 The charges related to the administration 's attempt to conceal the US role in a secret arms-for-hostages shipment by Israel to Iran in 1985 , an issue which had led to the filing of charges against former Defence Secretary Caspar Weinberger , in June 1992 [ see p. 38955 ] .
25 Prof Turner said it was an issue which had to be faced if the system was going to protect children .
26 For Paul the issue which dominates the whole letter is one of the truth of the gospel , and its consequent implications for practical Christian living .
27 Indeed it had been the combination of Rowthorne 's suggestion and her fury over the pin-up issue which saw her on to the editorial board .
28 The issue which divides your Lordships is whether this House should now reinterpret the principles lying behind the authorities so as to give a right of recovery in such circumstances .
29 It begins with the identification of a problem or issue which requires consideration .
30 Another issue which seemed to lead to few concrete proposals was language across the curriculum , where the school was also criticized for having few clear policies .
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