Example sentences of "issue to [be] " in BNC.

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1 The Indonesian market has also opened up to foreign investment allowing up to 49 per cent of any listed company or new issue to be bought by foreigners compared with only 11 companies being open to foreign investment previously .
2 The employment of the resources of the court in hearing such appeals inevitably postponed the hearing of other appeals where there was a real issue to be decided .
3 His emphasis on a one-party state surprised many Zimbabwean political analysts , who expected the issue to be quietly forgotten .
4 Ministers would have to be prepared for legislation to be defeated , time and again , without feeling the need for the issue to be made one of confidence — on which the government would feel it necessary to force an election .
5 Extensive canvassing showed the race issue to be , at best , marginal , more than counter-balanced by a strong pro-Taylor vote from many non-Tory constituents .
6 His Lordship concluded that the company could restrain the receivers from proceeding further when they had sufficient assets to redeem the receivership , and if there was a serious issue to be tried as to whether that point had been reached , then an injunction could be granted .
7 The other thorny issue to be addressed is that of course funding .
8 Recognition Equipment Inc , Dallas filed a registration statement with the US Securities & Exchange Commission for a planned offering of 2m new shares to raise cash for debt repayment , working capital , product development and possible acquisitions , the issue to be underwritten by Bear Stearns & Co Inc .
9 The central issue to be determined in this evolving process of acculturation and of bargaining was the proportion of the nation 's investment resources to be devoted to electricity supply .
10 Many development professionals resist raising women 's concerns in development discussions as a separate issue to be analysed and assigned programmes .
11 We are moving into a decade when caring is no longer an issue to be scoffed at .
12 But the issue to be decided on this appeal is one relating to the jurisdiction of the court .
13 The last issue to be discussed in this section concerns the effects of taxation on personal savings .
14 The issue to be analysed in this section takes a number of different forms in practice .
15 If a particular market is ‘ national ’ in the sense that the good in question is strictly non-tradable , then it is appropriate for the issue to be considered by a national authority .
16 An interim injunction was granted to the local authority employers by the judge on the ground that it was ‘ improbable ’ that there was ‘ no serious issue to be tried ’ .
17 It has been suggested that now that unions ( and not merely officials ) may in certain circumstances be liable in damages for unlawful industrial action it is more likely that an employer will pursue his claim to a full trial and there is less reason to refuse an interlocutory injunction in trade dispute cases ; but it has also been said that the ‘ right to strike ’ is a valuable ( indeed essential ) element in the system of collective bargaining and that it ‘ should not be rendered less valuable than Parliament intended by too fanciful or ingenious a view of what might develop into a serious issue to be tried . ’
18 This panel provides views about the issue to be forecast , each member working independently from hid or her colleagues .
19 In its draft submission to Mr Hunt , the Forum states : ‘ In developing land use policies which will take Wales into the 21st Century the principle of sustainable development has emerged from the consultation exercise as a vital issue to be addressed .
20 3.1 the major issue to be considered is the programme by which the transition can be achieved and , in particular , which courses will be identified for transfer during each of the three years .
21 The Opposition appreciate , however , that it may be premature for the issue to be raised in Parliament tonight while there is uncertainty .
22 A major issue to be explored is why social disruption failed to stimulate unrest in lowland Scotland unlike other areas of Britain at this time .
23 The second major issue to be examined would be the role of individuals and how human potential is mobilised .
24 KPMG should not be associated with an Investment Overview which we know at the time of issue to be misleading or factually incorrect .
25 Amid calls from all interested parties for the reconvening of the Paris International Conference on Cambodia ( held inconclusively in August 1989 — see pp. 36848-49 ) , Ali Alatas , as Indonesian Foreign Minister one of the two co-chairs of the Paris conference , said that a solution should be found to the Cambodian problem without waiting for the SNC chairmanship issue to be resolved .
26 Pharaon , holder of 25 percent of CenTrust 's shares , allegedly arranged for $25,000,000 of the issue to be placed temporarily with BCCI to mislead regulators into believing the entire issue had been sold .
27 Whether these past difficulties should debar him from the presidency was , he said , an issue to be decided by the US people : " We 're putting this in your hands , you get to decide . "
28 Estonian President Lennart Meri said that the suspension contradicted earlier agreements , and he called for the issue to be discussed by the foreign ministers of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe ( CSCE ) at their forthcoming meeting in Sweden .
29 The National Executive Committee may also give advice and guidance on any special issue to be raised or in the conduct of the campaign during the by-election .
30 The issue to be decided here is whether the land has become ‘ incapable of reasonably beneficial use ’ .
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