Example sentences of "lose her [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The cat spat suddenly , startling her and almost making her lose her footing on the branch , but Virginia kept her head as well as her footing , and , pulling back one of the branches forming the fork , lifted the cat free .
2 TV host Robert Kilroy-Silk said : ‘ Diana is the acceptable face of the British monarchy — if they lose her services it is a great blow . ’
3 She might even be weaving a spell to tangle her feet or make her lose her way in the wood !
4 Now , watching her , I thought that Fatima might , at this girl 's behest , change her life , her ways , and I wondered what she would do if she was hearing that she would find no husband , have no children , lose her life to Leviathan .
5 But it is not unusual for her to show her feelings and lose her temper .
6 Gina stopped where she was , her fingers clenched in the palms of her hand as she fought to control the surge of irritation which threatened to make her lose her temper completely , while Rune 's brilliant gaze held her in thrall , intimate , deliberately self-assured .
7 He 'd done it again — made her lose her temper all over again , and she could n't even understand why .
8 The sneer in his voice made her lose her temper .
9 I made her lose her temper by sending John to taunt her .
10 ( 133 ) I had her lose her temper by sending John to taunt her .
11 The pain had made her lose her breath for a few seconds .
12 Lose her camera .
13 James stopped at the sight of her , making his wife almost lose her balance .
14 The riverbank rushed towards her with dizzying speed as the stiffness in her legs caused her stumble and lose her balance on the uneven ground .
15 Devastated , Charles was determined not to lose her love for good .
16 And as the weeks passed , she often met d'Urberville in the garden and began to lose her shyness of him .
17 Apart from the need to preserve some semblance of pride , she knew such a retreat would cause her to lose her hold on the blankets .
18 Nor was she about to lose her jacket to a gaggle of overdressed hooligans .
19 That 's what I mean they do n't call them they call them cos she do n't want to lose her name does she ?
20 Quite sparky , she copes well under pressure , but it is not unknown for her to lose her temper .
21 In the scene that precedes the scuffle that results in Otto 's death , Isabella has to lose her temper and scream at her husband , first in English , then in German .
22 In the two years they had been operating , Stephen had taught her never to lose her temper with the guests , however unreasonable , but to try to win them over .
23 She had clearly been about to lose her temper but had controlled herself .
24 ‘ Her authority was so complete , she never had to lose her temper , like I did .
25 Léonie could see her mother making a big effort not to lose her temper .
26 At the same time , she knew it had been a big mistake to lose her temper like that .
27 ‘ Insulting , then , ’ she agreed quietly , determined not to lose her temper , although if he was going to carry on in that vein the chances of her keeping it for very long were absolutely nil .
28 She was determined not to lose her temper , at least until she 'd got to the bottom of the riddle , but his apparent attempt at playing God with her life infuriated her .
29 I caused her to lose her temper by sending John to taunt her .
30 You are bound to lose her trust and you could wreck your marriage .
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