Example sentences of "across [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In order to protect the interests of all people with care needs , of all people with dementia , who might end up in a private home , might end up in a voluntary home , might end up in Part 4 or might end up in a health service bed , it is necessary to look across that range of services at the general issues raised and see what can be done constructively in the interests of that total group of people with defined needs .
2 You looked like Alice walking across that lawn . ’
3 Across that moorland ?
4 John asked , remembering the appalling wetness of much of the land they hat splashed across that day .
5 It must have been nearly 5 o'clock when , having finally got the cars across that ferry , we eventually drove into Martigues in dazzling late afternoon sunshine to see the fishing boats come in .
6 the man goes across that boy comes back
7 ‘ Get across that desk . ’
8 An open space between two darkened structures — warehouses , Alexei thought , although he was not sure that their route had taken them across that quarter of the city — appeared out of the mist to their left like the mouth of an open tomb , and Jotan caught Alexei 's arm and indicated it .
9 Imagine great herds of long-horns — perhaps three thousand head — walking across that landscape north , to where there was plenty of money and an appetite for beef .
10 Of course it would turn out that the dead girl was merely someone Jerome Fanshawe had come across that weekend and who had taken his fancy .
11 ‘ This piece was n't meant to denigrate feminism , and if it comes across that way , I think I failed . ’
12 I walked across that way , over the crest of the island , easy walking on wind-swept turf which in a short distance sloped gently down towards the head of the cliffs , where clouds of sea-birds were already wheeling and screaming at my approach .
13 If it had have been , if we 'd have known we 'd have pulled the tables further , pulled the tables further across that way .
14 I could put some in the World wide web — I think that you can get them across that way , but this depends on people having access to the web — ok if you 're on a unix box , tough s*** if not .
15 Well at least across that way anyway .
16 Nevertheless , somehow Rogers and Thomas got the message across that TB was hardly the scourge it once had been and there was really no reason not to laugh at those who were generally prepared to laugh at themselves , although there were serious moments too .
17 If you walk straight across that bit of grass there you 'll come to the path .
18 Well , I do n't mind him walking across that bit but
19 The next time we come across that creep , he 's plastered .
20 When women find they are divided , they will seek to rejoin each other across that division .
21 But it would complicate the withdrawal , with three thousand men to get back across that ford , instead of one-third of that number .
22 Across that tarmacadam towards these gates he crawled .
23 Across that airfield , United Aviation gives training at $123 an hour in 152s or Tomahawks and runs a charter service with | ( as well as training for type ratings on ) C172 , C206 , PA-32 and B58s .
24 The work of metaphor then involves the transfer of meaning across that space , from one site to another .
25 They are able to run quickly and confidently across that 6-foot ( 1.8-metre ) ride and because of their speed they become entangled .
26 Because the reason that er stile was blocked off in the first instance was there was a case where a child ran across that road .
27 You 've got to get across that road quickly .
28 Wee Johnnie 's late and he 'll belt across that road no matter what .
29 Well you say silly thing but how else is she gon na get across that road ?
30 yeah and he went and she said well it that 'd always been across that road
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