Example sentences of "difficult [to-vb] who " in BNC.

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1 ‘ For 25 minutes it was difficult to see who was going to be exhausted first , ’ said David , 36 , Caithness SAA secretary .
2 150 years after Marx and John Bright argued over free trade and democracy , it is not difficult to see who was right .
3 While , in this fifth major change , assistant teachers and ancillary staff have firm advice , support and representation from their trade unions , it is difficult to see who can help them with the sixth innovation , namely the possibility of a school 's opting for grant maintained status ( GMS ) .
4 It is difficult to spot who is actually responsible , and using common-sense does not always work .
5 IT IS difficult to know who is the more isolated : the 62 members of the Lebanese Parliament or the 73 members of the Lebanese press corps .
6 It 's difficult to know who 's the bigger dreamer , Franco Sbarro or Willy Koenig , who is convinced he 'll find 30 buyers for his 236mph , £700,000 C62 Porsche-engined , Porsche 926 race-car clone .
7 Also , in the UK , it is extremely difficult to find who owns the mineral rights for specific pieces of land .
8 It can sometimes be difficult to establish who is the householder in a particular case .
9 It is difficult to establish who published that document .
10 FACIAL expressions made it difficult to guess who was the man on a working honeymoon here yesterday .
11 They played in the dark est part of the street where they could not be seen , but it was not difficult to guess who they were .
12 By the time there are 95 different budget projections on disk for the same period it may be difficult to remember who contributed what .
13 It was very difficult to remember who had been for what at which particular period .
14 Here , for example , is how Elena 's ancestors dealt with an enemy : ‘ They would eat his tongue for wisdom , his heart for courage , and for fertility make their women chew his genitals ’ ( not difficult to imagine who gets the worst of that deal ) .
15 Where there is a long chain of distribution , the plaintiff may find it difficult to identify who was the producer or importer into the European Community .
16 When it came to selecting particular issues , it was difficult to predict who would name a particular issue .
17 When it came to naming particular issues , however , it was difficult to predict who would name which issue .
18 There was no flag at Hammersmith , so it was difficult to judge who was leading from the launch .
19 It 's difficult to say who is having most fun , but there 's plenty to grab the attention .
20 The Commission was also impressed by the great confusion that would be caused when there were a number of participants engaged in street fighting , since it would often be difficult to prove who actually used the violence as opposed to merely threatened it .
21 It was difficult to tell who was the more shocked — the Scots or the English .
22 If the assumption of opportunism is something you regard as an unnecessarily cynical view of human nature , note that its importance requires only that some , not all , people behave in this way and that it is difficult to tell who is opportunistic and who is not .
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