Example sentences of "spend each year " in BNC.

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1 The indicator here was simply the amount spent each year on repairs in each school .
2 The amounts of money involved , however , pale into insignificance when compared with the vast sums spent each year on older areas such as ‘ big physics ’ .
3 Aerospace companies reckon the number directly employed by the project is around 20,000 — one job for every $100,000 spent each year .
4 Research and development ; Beecham can afford to spend only £100m ( $170m ) a year on R&D , well below the $670m spent each year by Merck , the world 's largest drug firm .
5 The report goes on to say that clean-up policy has been made on political rather than scientific grounds and that " less than 1 percent of the $4,200 million spent each year on hazardous-waste sites in the US has been used to evaluate health risks at listed Superfund sites . "
6 Essex FHSA general manager Graham Butland estimates as much as £150,000 in ‘ pure management time ’ is already spent each year on these tasks .
7 Clearly , the £250,000 reputably spent each year on shoring up the LTA 's publishing ego trip could be much better spend elsewhere .
8 Of the one billion dollars currently spent each year on family planning programmes in the Third World , one-tenth is contributed by the couples themselves , two-fifths by Third World governments and half by governments and aid agencies in the rich world .
9 It is as much as US companies have been spending each year to advertise cigarettes …
10 Much of America 's apparent lead in intelligence technology and the vast sums it spends each year on these organisations has been negated by the large number of spies and traitors continually found within them .
11 Because the Treasury wants to have the final say on all public spending , however financed , each year 's chunk of ERDF cash is merely regarded as one source of finance for the total that authorities are permitted to spend each year .
12 Damages for the loss of dependency ought to be such that she will have available to her to spend each year , free of tax , a sum equal to the amount of the dependency .
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