Example sentences of "spend one day " in BNC.

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1 The therapist helped them to agree to carry out mutual tasks which were that they would spend one day out together during the next weekend and visit a friend together on another day during the week .
2 BUSINESSWOMAN Louise I'Anson spent one day a week for five weeks attending council-run courses and has emerged feeling even more confident about her plans for the future .
3 Students can complete the 12-month credited building skills course for women in two parts — spending one day at Millfield for building skills , and the other day at Windsor Women 's Workshops , where they will concentrate on personal development .
4 After Christmas he had wanted to arrange for the marriage to take place straight away , before he could change his mind , but it was difficult to fit it in with his new duties as a Governor of the Foundling Hospital which required him to spend one day a week in town .
5 The Support Force would usually arrange for a team of five or eight of its members with a mix of skills and background to spend one day fact-finding and give hard-hitting feedback .
6 Oh , I felt tempted to wander , to spend one day , one night in my old haunts or slip across the river to the stews and brothels of Southwark but Benjamin insisted I follow my own advice .
7 Employees of this 4500-person printing firm spend one day a week learning whatever they want .
8 But this 'll tell you if you 're veering that way , so you can go , ooh , and perhaps spend one day a week on that , just to get into it , and the rest of it 's going to be managing my practice .
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