Example sentences of "sense that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 While it is through the physical senses that we experience the world , it is largely through our emotions that we interpret it and our relationship to it .
2 He sat her down on his knee and kissed her , waking all the wicked senses that she 'd been taught to suppress all her life .
3 She did not consciously know that , with Luke 's swift co-operation , she had rid him of his tie , nor that she was left unaided to tear at his shirt buttons with frantic fingers ; and it was only through her senses that she knew when she came to hard flesh and soft springy hair , her palm sliding damply over his chest , fingers catching luxuriously in the light tangle of hair covering it .
4 Now and again there was a light in his eyes , a far-off look , that was so appealing to her senses that she had to break it to ease her own pain .
5 There was a pause in which you could have heard a pin drop — if you could have heard anything over the machine noise which had so invaded their senses that it had the quality of silence .
6 The latter may not realise in a coherent way what is afoot , but it knows that the duty of a government is to provide law and order and senses that it is not deploying its resources to do so .
7 Ryan represents a kind of Marxism that non-Marxists might do business with , in the sense that one can make a rational engagement with it .
8 In the GDR , by contrast , one can not talk of ‘ economic crisis ’ in the sense that one can use that term for Poland , the Soviet Union , and even for Hungary .
9 A more viable approach accepts the on-going nature of educational change — the journey is more important than the destination in the sense that one is real and the other never more than a shifting image .
10 They are communities in the sense that one has a sense of ‘ belonging ’ in them , and in the sense that Shetlanders belonging to each are said to be distinguishable by special characteristics in dialect or , less often ( and more humorously ) , by difference in mentality and general attitudes .
11 The Christian communicator is never the primary source of the message in the sense that one is not the originator of that which one is seeking to convey .
12 For each of these divisions we would find inequalities of outcome and it is in this sense that one can assert that we have failed to achieve equality of opportunity in England .
13 Except perhaps in rather trivial matters , there is no real sense that one can expect assistance from someone just because they are your brother or your sister .
14 It is in this sense that one can argue that our consciousness of the world is consciousness of the symbols we use .
15 They are minor , in the sense that one meets them relatively infrequently , but they are also quite interesting because of the linguistic sophistication they reveal in the usage of the ordinary speaker .
16 It is clear that one can not own confidential information in the sense that one can own a car .
17 Similarly , those who formed the National Government believed that it was National in the sense that its objective — balancing the budget — was shared by all parties .
18 Equally important is public confidence or acceptance of coinage ; as coinage is a convention , in the sense that its value is conventionally fixed by the authority of the state with the agreement of the public , it can only function if the value of the coinage , as fixed by the state , is accepted by those who use it ; otherwise , market forces will tend to discount overvalued coins towards their individual bullion values .
19 Ideology in general has no history in the sense that its structure and form is immutable throughout history .
20 This toy , however , is not a plaything , at least not in the tactile sense that its creator seems to be suggesting .
21 Again , the Morning Star ( Daily Worker until 1966 ) was ‘ specialist ’ in the sense that its columns reflected strongly its brand of Marxist ideology and the work of the Communist party and parts of the Labour movement .
22 Israel 's state is hidden from God ( A ) in the sense that its claim to restitution has failed to attract his attention ( B ) .
23 And he was in awe before the sense that its power was in him , and yet he was nothing ; and yet again , perhaps , if only he knew how , that power might help him …
24 The inclusion of the charterer 's duties in the text of the charter party made this contract conditional in the sense that its enforcement by the charterer depended upon fulfillment of the specified conditions .
25 Schizophrenic speech provides a metaphor for metaphor , and it is in this sense that its use in Out may be understood , not as a valorization of the psychotic condition but as a literalization of the figure .
26 In this way a pattern mask limits the time for which a target letter is represented in the system , and if the time limitation is severe enough to prevent the target 's code from reaching a lexical output system , then the subject will fail to report the target , even though the target was identified in the sense that its detector in the lexical input system was activated .
27 On the contrary it is complementary to them in the sense that its comparative advantage rests with analyses of secular economic developments whereas the existing models ' comparative advantage rests with the short-term developments .
28 Such unemployment is labelled classical in the sense that its sole root cause is an excessively high real wage .
29 We prefer congruence between the two in the sense that its lack sets up a tension , but that tension is the source of most of the interesting facts about rhythmic structure .
30 According to Friedman , money has a convenience yield in the sense that its holding saves time and effort in carrying out transactions .
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