Example sentences of "likely to have [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Women with dependent children are less likely to have full-time jobs but more likely to have part-time jobs , than women without .
2 Carbohydrate-based drugs fall into several categories including polysaccharides , oligosaccharides , monosaccharide derivatives and cyclodextrins , and each category is likely to have distinct applications including anti-viral , anti-bacterial and anti-thrombotic uses in various cardiovascular applications .
3 large corporations and organizations , such as are likely to have in-house language training services .
4 Men with periodontitis or who had no teeth were about 70% more likely to have coronary heart disease than were men with no periodontal disease .
5 Indeed , in many cases they were precisely the group targeted to carry the burden of job losses in the 1980s , and even when the economy improved they remained the group most likely to have long spells of unemployment .
6 Yet the overwhelming opinion is that a significant proportion of lung cancer deaths in the UK are caused by radon , and that people who are likely to have long exposure to high radon levels are at extreme risk .
7 Such families are also more likely to have dangerous forms of heating , and less likely to be insured against damage by fire .
8 Manual socio-economic grades were more likely to have favourable views of HP and mail order than people in non-manual grades , and were particularly likely not to know how bank loans or credit cards worked .
9 Cost , or the need to plan within specific budgets , was more likely to be mentioned by the training officer group , perhaps because they were more likely to have specific budgets .
10 SSDs had more knowledge of the number of disabled people in their area than had housing departments , and they were more likely to have specific policies on meeting their needs .
11 The action is likely to have wide implications .
12 Likely to have wide knowledge of both the fish and their requirements .
13 Lone fathers tend to be older than lone mothers ; there are more West Indian and less Asian families headed by a lone parent ; they are more likely to have lower incomes and to live in local authority housing than two-parent families .
14 Groups with high non-completion rates , as discussed above , will also therefore be likely to have lower percentages achieving ‘ good ’ degrees .
15 One in five children was likely to have behavioural problems due to a deprived home life and other factors , Professor Stone said .
16 They are also likely to have greater need for heating than other groups , because they spend more time at home .
17 Moreover , the use of gas is not likely to have much impact globally .
18 There is increased recognition that concentrating limited national training resources at the professional or university level is not likely to have much impact on the service needs of people at the grass roots .
19 Overweight — Not likely to have much effect on your health but do n't get any fatter
20 This year twelve district councils in our region who elect by thirds are holding contests , and in most cases the results are n't likely to have much affect on who holds power .
21 Unless someone more plausible comes forward , therefore , the challenge is likely to have two results .
22 At any one time they are likely to have two hundred and fifty in various stages of recovery .
23 Although I had kept in contact with several school friends from St Paul 's , I knew only one who was likely to have surplus accommodation in London , and I considered she might well turn out to be my one hope of not having to spend the rest of my life on a train somewhere between Romford and Regent 's Park .
24 Surveys of families receiving supplementary benefit have show that couples with children and lone parents are likely to have higher weekly credit commitments than people with no children or pensioners .
25 It shows that companies recording absences manually are likely to have higher incidences of the problem than those keeping computerised records .
26 It has often been argued that girls in single-sex schools are likely to have higher educational achievements than girls in mixed schools , and in particular that they are more likely to do well in scientific subjects ( e.g. Department of Education and Science 1980 ; Steedman 1980 ) .
27 The strike is likely to have knock-on effects causing some delays for travellers tomorrow , with rolling stock likely to be left out of position as a result of today 's stoppage .
28 Although the proportion of deliberate self-poisoning or self-injury patients who require psychiatric inpatient care is fairly small , this group is of special importance because it includes those most likely to have serious psychiatric disorders , those at special risk of suicide or further attempts , and some patients who pose very difficult management problems .
29 Management would also be obliged to consult employees ' representatives on matters likely to have serious consequences for their interests , with a view to attempting to reach agreement .
30 a right to be informed and consulted about any management proposal likely to have serious consequences for the interests of employees .
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