Example sentences of "mother had been " in BNC.

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1 The reason behind this change was that , during the pilot programme , some mothers had been confusing ‘ one pinch ’ of lobon and ‘ two scoops ’ of gur and had instead used two pinches of lobon and one scoop of gur , thereby making a dangerous hypertonic solution .
2 Four of the Bangladeshi mothers had been educated in Britain ; all continued to live in extended households .
3 At the same time , some women in the older generation believed that they were a less significant source of advice and support for their daughters than their own mothers had been for them , and all were concerned to ensure that their support did not amount to ‘ interference ’ ( Blaxter and Paterson , 1982 , especially pp. 174–9 ) .
4 The mothers had been interviewed periodically since the children were two or three months old about such characteristics as the child 's activity level , adaptability , distractability , persistence and quality of mood .
5 I could n't help remembering the pleasure I had had in my clothes , how keen my mother had been on my wearing them , how we had often designed them and chosen them together and my mother had made most of them .
6 The Havards arrived at The Kilns , Maureen played tennis with them , swam with them and provided them with the sandwiches and cakes which she and her mother had been preparing all day .
7 Aunt Louise was the last survivor of the family of which my mother had been a member .
8 This morning , before she left for work at eight o'clock , her mother had been friendly , quite chatty in fact .
9 A story was circulating around school that Frankie 's mother had been very ill and one of his aunts was responsible for him having nits in his head and a dirty body , torn pumps , bitten nails and no dinner money .
10 Their mother had been forever running after her with a pencil box or an exercise book or a threepenny piece for church collection , and the maid had turned up a lost doll , a coin , a glove in every corner .
11 Since the late 1940s the Queen Mother had been the darling of National Hunt racing : it was largely her enthusiasm for the sport that raised its status from that of a poor relation to the Flat to , by the mid-1950s , a position of near equality — in popularity if not in the prize money available .
12 Mother had been worrying — they took so long — so we were glad to see the truck lights finally coming over Burden Hill , six miles away .
13 Although the United States of America continued to remain neutral , their relationship with Britain became further enhanced by Winston Churchill being Prime Minister , as his mother had been an American citizen , and Churchill was able , in September 1940 , to bargain successfully to obtain fifty destroyer-class ships with which to combat the German naval forces — mainly submarine boats — which were endeavouring to blockade sea borne supplies reaching Britain .
14 Her voice acquired a jeering note , not unfamiliar to Roland , who wondered for the first time what his mother had been like before her disappointment , which in her case was his father and to some extent himself .
15 Sunday was always the same in the Lewis home — now that it really was the Lewis home ; for the first ten years of Jo 's life her mother had been away making films and her father had been away on business so much that the main house had been a ghost dwelling ; the Chippendale and Sheraton furniture was draped in dust sheets .
16 My father 's mother had been born in 1862 in Wroxton , three miles north of Banbury .
17 Poor Norm 's passing was bad enough but she then found shocking goings-on at Dunraven , the Twilight Home for the Partially Confused in which her mother had been incarcerated — sorry — hospitalised .
18 When the young man was twenty he discovered that his mother had been boasting about how wonderful he was to all her friends .
19 The daughter 's second interview unfortunately did not take place until shortly after her mother had been admitted to long-stay care but it illustrates well the mixture of feelings which can be expressed .
20 During this time , Liz had taken much of the responsibility for the day-to-day running of the business , while her mother had been staying at home to look after her husband who was in poor health .
21 As her natural mother had been unable to care for her , she had been taken in and looked after by an uncle and aunt .
22 His mother had been a pragmatic woman , always making the best of the most difficult situations , earning a livelihood as a needlewoman to help her sons when young and later during John 's early theatrical ventures .
23 It is observed elsewhere how his unfortunate mother had been used by Henry I in his immensely grandiose designs .
24 ’ Not till much later did I learn mother had been a diabetic for many years .
25 His own mother had been , and to some extent remained , an intrusive presence in his life , and he had started to shut her out by keeping busy and doing everything for himself .
26 In consequence he became , in Liddie 's eyes , the kind of mother her own mother had been — one who disabled her by taking over .
27 For Liesl whose mother had been able to escape to this country , a battle royal developed between her parent and her foster parent .
28 Mother had been making collections .
29 He recalled what he knew about them , that their father earned a precarious living as a painter whose innocuous , prettified watercolours were sold in cafés and tourist shops along the coast and that their mother had been desperately ill with cancer .
30 Cathy 's mother had been a martyr to her gruff , domineering husband .
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