Example sentences of "once [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 There is a tale that Sultan Selim , in setting off to do battle with his neighbours , once arranged to be equipped with fatwas ( formal religious rulings ) from senior Sunni ulema ( divines of great learning in theology and Islamic law ) proclaiming the slaying of Shah Ismail , heretic and unbeliever , to be a religious duty .
2 It was once explained to me that most Asians in Yorkshire do not play cricket anyway , but that those who did were genuinely encouraged to join Yorkshire League clubs .
3 Our metabolic differences were once explained to us by a Dyak companion in Borneo as due to the fact that I belong to the tribe of gibbons , whereas Lorne belongs more to that of the orangutan .
4 The respect once given to older people for their knowledge and experience has suffered as a result of several factors : the decline of custom , the acceleration of change and the loss of oral traditions .
5 His main principle with regard to the past was that nothing once given to God or the saints could be restored to the kingdom of this world without injustice .
6 I would humbly propose that the contemporary artist be laid to rest along with his works : a royal burial of the kind once given to emperors in eastern lands , whose slaves and worldly possessions accompanied them on their final journey into the unknown .
7 Hugh Price Hughes once referred to the ‘ unspeakable joy of beholding eleven penitents ’ who came forward because of his preaching .
8 Coleman once referred to ‘ heartbreaking ’ letters which he heard had been written by practitioners who had gone unprepared into country practice , but he said ‘ I have no compunctious visitings in the matter ’ .
9 THE hands were once referred to as forks , hence to fork out .
10 Mobuto had never once referred to his father by name or attempted to make any apology for the abhorrent crimes that had been committed under his regime .
11 He is once referred to by the chronicler , Matthew Paris [ q.v. ] , as ‘ Master Longespee ’ and it is thus possible that he was a son of William Longespée , third Earl of Salisbury ( died 1226 , q.v. ) , who was Henry III 's uncle .
12 Godfrey de Lucy [ q.v. ] , later bishop of Winchester , is once referred to as his fellow student .
13 by John Bailey Bream , once referred to as the matchman 's favourite fish , have seen their popularity amongst specialist anglers rise dramatically over the past few years .
14 Sheila Jordan is one of the finest singers in jazz history : Charlie Parker once referred to her ‘ million dollar ears ’ .
15 Many of the old mansions are uninhabited and the great amphitheatres , once host to plays and masques , are silent and empty .
16 The legality of money market dealings by Hammersmith and Fulham Council in west London , which once amounted to exposure of £5bn is being challenged by its auditor , Anthony Hazell , a partner in Deloitte Haskins and Sells , with the support of the Audit Commission , the local authority financial watchdog .
17 John Ostrom once pointed to the teeth of duckbills that seemed to be specialized for the grinding of coarse plant foods .
18 But at the conference it was for the first time agreed to allow the constituency parties to elect their own separate representatives to the National Executive , and this at once led to the appearance in this category of Sir Stafford Cripps , Professor Harold Laski and D. N. Pritt — all advocates of close collaboration with the Communist Party , and Pritt indistinguishable from an actual card-carrying member .
19 When in January 1645 the French agreed to give the Dutch representatives the coveted title of " Excellency " this at once led to demands from the imperial electors that theirs must be given it also .
20 Yet , in spite of all that , and the old mid-winter recordings within me , that winter — last winter — I never once resorted to glancing up at the pulley with its rope , the exhaust pipe of my car nor even the barrel of my shotgun .
21 I remember the boy rose once to go to the bathroom , his thin , adolescent frame weaving in pain .
22 Tony , 47 , who once admitted to drinking up to twelve pints a night , just ca n't resist a good time .
23 It never once occurred to him that he might die .
24 It never once occurred to you that you might be an ignorant , selfish , lousy lover .
25 A TELEVISION commentator who once referred to the Augusta crowd as a ‘ mob ’ so angered tournament officials that he was not invited back the following year .
26 But it is an astonishing fact , a revelation both of his independent power of creating an ordered system and of his limitations of vision , that in this work he never once referred to the work of his predecessor .
27 Once added to the relevant files , they can be brought immediately under LIFESPAN 's control .
28 The frenzied living for ourselves which we once used to value so highly now disappears before the far more vital longing to keep company with God in faith , hope and love .
29 And while her heart swelled — could he be saying that he thought she was lovely ? — a few seconds later he was steering the Mercedes around a bend and was then at once driving to the other side of the road where a kind of lay-by had been cut into a high mass of rock .
30 Matthew concentrating on the steak , seemed impervious and never once rose to her bait , but James , it was clear , was cheered and encouraged by Jenny 's affectionate treatment .
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