Example sentences of "once said [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For , as New Scientist reported , true to its function ( as a barrister once said about a toilet roll revolving when stood on , causing injury ) the Home Office had held an exercise about an attack on Britain by the USSR .
2 I do n't know what the programmers were on when they made up this game , but as Boy 's Own once said about liquid E , if it comes in pints , I 'll have two !
3 Which , of course , they once said about pop music .
4 ( I remember he once said about a Mondrian — ‘ It is n't whether you like it , but whether you ought to like it ’ — I mean , he dislikes abstract art on principle .
5 Maggie Smith once said about him : ‘ Kenneth taught me how to recognize the one word in a sentence which would turn it from a commonplace statement into something wildly funny . ’
6 Fast guys tire , a basketball coach once said of his own high-rise team , but big guys do n't shrink .
7 Here was the Labour Party reverting to its old self , a better self , yes , than the monster it became under the demonic spell of Tony Benn ; here was a party responsive once more to its own people , the people it so shamefully betrayed at two successive general elections since 1979 , but a party — as somebody once said of the SDP - ‘ promising a better yesterday ’ .
8 ‘ There goes all I will know of God in life , ’ she once said of him .
9 He once said of himself and his writing partner Paul Sparks , ‘ We have almost no shame ’ .
10 An observer of the couple once said of Maud Gonne that ‘ the first resolute man of action she meets will have her at his mercy ’ , and so it proved .
11 A niece of the former Labour minister Douglas Jay and first cousin of Peter Jay , the former British ambassador in Washington who is now the BBC 's economics editor , her ratings went up in certain quarters when she once said of Mrs Thatcher : ‘ She is not the sort of person one would invite to dinner . ’
12 Ian Stark once said of his great mount Murphy Himself that if Murphy 's ears were really pricked while they were going round a cross country course that he was probably out of control !
13 On her other flank , would the USSR ever say of China what Germany once said of Russia : today I can afford to go to war , tomorrow I may not have that luxury ?
14 Now it seems more or less acknowledged , as Rab Butler once said of a beleaguered Harold Macmillan , that ‘ he 's the best leader we 've got . ’
15 Both have been chronicled in this book , and perhaps we can say now of Eliot what he once said of another poet , " We also understand the poetry better when we know more about the man . "
16 James Sandoe , a fine American critic of crime fiction , once said of the typical private-eye that , although there was no specific reason for it , somehow he always had to have a shabby office with " shabby restaurant nearby serving leaden eggs and greasy bacon " .
17 He once said of this discovery :
18 ‘ Could not be expected to make a success of anything , ’ his teacher once said of him .
19 As Richard Attenborough once said to me , ‘ If you have n't learnt to play to an audience that is present , how can you expect to play to one that is n't ? ’
20 Terence Conran once said to me : ‘ the reason why you and I do things well is because we had our apprenticeship in restaurants , ’ and I actually think that 's a very valid point , because you 've got twenty planks to the one function of actually serving food .
21 Fearful that the widower will take his life , she rushes back to London , to a man grieving for a woman who once said to him : ‘ do n't be silly , there 's no hurry , we 've all our lives . ’
22 Undoubtedly , he was a conservative captain rather than an adventurous one — James records that Worrell once said to him ‘ In cricket you leave well alone ’ , which , James felt , went deep into his method as a captain — but , for all that , he was not afraid of making changes if he felt they were needed .
23 Someone once said to me , ‘ You are surely not founding an élitist system ? ’ — that , s a word that seems very unfashionable these days .
24 Jack Nicklaus once said to me , ‘ Albert , when Weiskopf knows how good a player he is , we might as well all pack up our clubs and go home . ’
25 ‘ You will have a trying day tomorrow ’ , he once said to his District Magistrate while Chief Commissioner of Delhi ; ‘ You will be on the alert all day and will probably have a riot .
26 A foreigner once said to me , ‘ In order to speak English you must learn one word thoroughly . ’
27 If I could do that I could do anything , as a chef once said to me when I told him he had sprinkled sugar on a steak and kidney pie .
28 That was how close it was , and as Emerson once said to me , he learned that weekend , sweating out the last half-hour before the start , that when you 're running for the championship , you simply ca n't give anything away : give Stewart an inch and he would have taken a yard .
29 When Preminger once said to Howard , ‘ You do n't like me , do you ? ’
30 ‘ That 's what Mick once said to me . ’
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