Example sentences of "let me do " in BNC.

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1 What I am going to miss is the opportunity to pontificate in peace , without let or hindrance , as Punch has let me do for eight years .
2 at the moment , and I think I would be some people would not have let me do that , I think , in the past
3 ‘ Otherwise ’ , she says , ‘ they would n't have let me do it .
4 ‘ Editorial ’ , she notes , ‘ did n't regard it as important , otherwise they would n't have let me do it . ’
5 he could wander rou , if only Joey had let me do more
6 We can make another baby , Herta and I. If I wept copiously both before and after , she let me do it , or try it , but I am impotent and do n't even go to the whores any more .
7 Yeah we bought you the cartons in the picture , Anthy let me do your pyjamas , you know they 're there , you know that , what nanny got you ?
8 As my deliberate intention in these lectures is to remind you of theology and introduce you to theological terms , however , let me do so now .
9 The More shoot let me do just that .
10 ‘ Here , let me do that , ’ said Nessie urgently , taking it from him .
11 It 's just — I want to go home and tell them to shut up about the exam results and let me do my own thing and leave me alone .
12 But let me do it in my own time , and do n't make me feel like a brood mare .
13 I asked yer ter let me do these books 'cos I wanted ter sort out the bills an' see where we can make savin 's .
14 ‘ Now let me do the talkin' , ’ he hissed , 'an' when we get in , follow the plan jus ' like we agreed .
15 ‘ I said I was unfairly handicapped , and they let me do extra Latin instead , ’ she said .
16 Let me do something for you , instead . ’
17 ‘ Here , let me do that . ’
18 ’ Then waive your share and let me do it alone , ’ I suggested .
19 L let me let me do that .
20 Let me let me do that
21 I want to make lunch , Thérèse said : let me do it .
22 ‘ Here , let me do that before you bust a gut ! ’
23 ‘ Come if you insist — but please , let me do the talking . ’
24 So let me do this for you instead .
25 Let me do it .
26 Let me do that for you , ’ he said , for it did not seem fitting for her to be pouring out drinks .
27 ‘ Here , let me do it . ’
28 Let me do that , at least .
29 Now , for God 's sake , go to bed , and let me do the same . ’
30 Watching her efforts , Silas said , ‘ Let me do it .
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