Example sentences of "suggest that it " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , my own analysis of the Technics arrangement suggest that it is sensitive to loudspeaker impedance variations ; under some conditions the performance is worse with the subsidiary amplifier than it would be without it .
2 Accounts of their trial suggest that it took the form of a political witch-hunt , with the intention of intimidating other critics of the government .
3 It is covered with gold leaf into which is etched a pattern of oak and bay leaves — and a medieval North Italian inscription , the surviving words of which suggest that it said : ‘ In this little goblet one often acquires happiness ’ .
4 I suggest that it is sad that a way of life that is so ancient is ending , but Per Ivar is less convinced .
5 But polls suggest that it may be the most popular party within all the black linguistic groups ; and the fighting in the mostly-Zulu province of Natal between the ANC and Inkatha shows that plenty of South Africa 's 8m Zulus take the ANC 's side .
6 Our journeys on the whiteboard suggest that it holds the key to our concepts of beauty .
7 Reviews from the West Yorkshire Playhouse where the show was first seen last year suggest that it might be funnier than it sounds .
8 The first is more intense , with the buck putting up a spirited resistance ; in the second its lolling tongue and gentler stance suggest that it is about to succumb .
9 The compression figures , whilst not particularly low , suggest that it may be camshaft wear .
10 It 's possible that some other minor eruptions occurred between 1681 and 1883 , but if they did , there is no record of them , and all of the reports and descriptions made by ships passing Krakatoa suggest that it was quite dormant .
11 The climactic series of explosions of 27 August added volumes of fresh material to the already huge eruption column above the volcano , and some estimates suggest that it rose as much as eighty kilometres into the air .
12 I suggest that it is humanism — both religious and secular — that is the dominant philosophical adversary .
13 There are many clues in the course of data analysis that suggest that it might be better to work on a transformed scale .
14 They suggest that it is possible to use satellite remotely sensed data to help inform population mapping by allowing cross-area estimation and some element of areal disaggregation .
15 We suggest that it enables the parents to pay a compliment to close friends by inviting them to be godparents .
16 Few reports about this species are received annually , but these suggest that it is some three to four times scarcer than the Common Partridge .
17 However , even simple estimates for the W particle suggest that it should weigh in at something like 30 times the proton 's mass .
18 Now that men and women live longer , many people suggest that it is unrealistic to expect to sustain one marriage for a lifetime .
19 This theory has recently been investigated scientifically , and the results suggest that it could well be correct .
20 The controversy over Dow Corning 's role in introducing silicone breast implants increased in January when some US newspapers , including the Wall Street Journal , published summaries of internal documents and claimed that they suggest that it may have rushed the product through without adequate testing .
21 Most experts are hard pushed to explain why normal , healthy people should not take E. Some suggest that it may promote Parkinson 's disease — after all , the symptoms are fairly similar : short-term memory loss , the shakes , jaw-ache and constant chewing .
22 Various ways of studying water strongly suggest that it is in a similar category — that is , it is a fluid containing clusters of water polymers of varying sizes which are continually changing and reforming .
23 Others suggest that it will be the automated machinery and systems which will take over all the routine tasks , and thus the impact of the new technology will be to require a more highly educated and trained workforce to perform complex tasks which need a high level of human decision-making skill .
24 REPORTS of America 's Davis Cup win over Switzerland suggest that it was the most repulsively nationalistic sporting event since the Hitler Olympics of l936 .
25 I suggest that it would now be best for everyone to concentrate on its merits and on its implementation .
26 It needed a substantial amount of advertising , and the figures suggest that it did n't get it .
27 How much money went with this is not known but the scale of the ruins — the shell of the reactor is still visible — suggest that it must have been several million dollars even in 1950s prices , perhaps 1 per cent of the gross national product of Argentina , or roughly the equivalent of a whole year 's research budget for a developed country .
28 Now , sources close to the receivers of the H-M Agency of Los Angeles suggest that it has been conclusively proved that she was involved in the massacre at Dead Rat , Arizona , last year , during which a peaceful force of process-servers were murdered by members of the Maniax gangcult , who then razed the community to the ground .
29 ‘ Then I suggest that it begins working .
30 It 's also why , when you suggest that it might not be the most credible thing for a label in their position to sign old bores like Paul Weller and Madness , McDonald looks bewildered and offers that Go !
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