Example sentences of "less [adj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Er John it looks less defendable every time every time a real person opens their mouths John it becomes less and less defendable ?
2 Broadly speaking , the less social closure there is , the less cohesive the social class grouping will be .
3 To no other , to no less divine a source can I trace the movement ’ , but as we have seen , other speakers , like Joseph Parker , were more perceptive while the 1897 National Council president admitted that ‘ perhaps it can scarcely be denied that in some of our earliest Nonconformist Councils … at first the inspiration was to a large extent political ’ .
4 Equally , a socialism which restricted itself solely to solving the problem of exploitation in the social relations of production , and failed to respond to these contradictions in culture , might find itself far less attractive-to an electorate , for example-than it envisaged .
5 In this diagram the higher the lines the less stable the oxide .
6 The rise in rents between 1848 and the late 1880s more or less matched the rise in real wages during the same period .
7 The reverse also holds ; the smaller the organization , the less prevalent the problems and generally the more constructive and productive the conflict .
8 The plasma membrane is also thought to be far less rigid a structure than originally proposed .
9 The more the external reduces uncertainty , and the less replaceable the external is , then the more power the external will have .
10 Moreover , the inevitability of pecking orders for children and institutions presupposed by such a market index of comparative performance will render less propitious the circumstances for learning , for those children who , through no fault of their own , are in a school which is perceived by the articulate watchers of the school results index to be failing .
11 5/Many , many hours later I have more or less completed the top two thirds of the drawing and have left the rest bare , in which grass is to be added .
12 Many , many hours later I have more or less completed the top two thirds of the drawing and have left the rest bare , in which grass is to be added .
13 Childbirth was no less magical the second time around with Prince Harry
14 The bigger and more frequent the waves , the less scriptural the culture .
15 The more serious the violation by the police and the less serious the charge the more likely it is that the evidence will be inadmissible , though there are occasions in Scotland where crucial evidence has been struck out in serious cases which include murder .
16 Interestingly , the disparities appeared to be greater the less serious the offence , which may have something to do with the virtual absence of Court of Appeal guidance in respect of less serious offence types , which we remarked on above .
17 If she wanted something less serious the musical show " My Fair Lady " was a regular choice .
18 The more there are of the stay-at-homes , the less warm the welcome for foreign rivals on the home ground .
19 In a way it is even more predictable , for it not only has a standardized melodic/lyric structure ( first phrase : four bars ; second phrase : four bars , more or less repeating the first ; third phrase : four bars , contrasting or complementary ) but also a schematic sequence of ( highly ‘ primitive ’ ) chords :
20 Though clear canonic forms may be intelligible and easy to follow , the less obvious the forms used the more enigmatic and elusive the result .
21 While England thus had a monopoly power to buy colonial products , the sugar and tobacco and other products of the colonies were more or less guaranteed the entire English market by a system of preferential tariffs .
22 The red tape always seems less voluminous the farther away from headquarters you are , and Fairbanks was apparently far enough away from both U.S. , and U.S.S.R. officialdom to make the approval possible .
23 In general , the less objective the perception and the more it was influenced by partisan factors , the greater the influence of the press and the less the influence of television .
24 But now , look at the matter from the other side , and see how much less satisfactory the alternative explanation is .
25 The study found that the less useful the new product , the more the Canadian drug companies charged for it .
26 Although the practical significance of missio should not be minimized , this restriction makes it much less powerful a protection than an action in rem .
27 The more there are of the latter , the less powerful the pleas of the former for protection against imports or foreign ownership .
28 Elsewhere around the country Dorset side West Hants more or less sealed the Area 8 title with an eleventh hour 2–1 away win over Team Excel — which required a final doubles rubber tie-break to separate the sides .
29 So I 'm feeling less and less married the more rings I keep breaking .
30 The Socialist Party , which got its economics so disastrously wrong at the start of the 1980s , has now more or less caught the point .
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