Example sentences of "whether [pers pn] is " in BNC.

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1 Whether yours is a family garden which has to sustain the rigorous attentions of children , a more sedate garden for entertaining al fresco , or a small city garden with little room for more than a couple of raised flowers beds , a patio can give your home and lifestyle a whole new dimension .
2 But whether yours is a local area network or a global one , your problem is the same .
3 But the play , because it wants its bread buttered on both sides , keeps its options open until the end on the issue of whether she is genuinely taken in by her husband 's lie or whether her insistence that the girl stay the weekend , her broody concern for the future of the fictitious baby , and marriage-broking on behalf of Julie are just ways of stoking up Jacques 's embarrassment .
4 Once an Asian girl has finished school , whether she is Hindu , Muslim or Sikh , the threat or prospect of marriage begins to loom over her , casting a blight over her chances of further education .
5 The conduct which constitutes rape is unlawful sexual intercourse with a woman without her consent ; the fault element required is that the man intends to have sexual intercourse , and either knows that the woman is not consenting or ‘ could not care less ’ whether she is not consenting .
6 Indeed she is such a kind and caring person that colleagues have questioned whether she is sometimes too subservient to her officials .
7 In this extract the social worker focuses on the first aspect of the triad and explores with the client whether she is consistent in their guilt reaction .
8 When Peter and Paul 's Mum sometimes get angry or clumsy , they do n't know whether she is starting HC , or just worrying about starting HC .
9 The land we have to take from Russia , whether she is willing or not , must be large enough to allow us to resettle , in Bessarabia or northwest of there , all the Rumanians now living in Austria and Turkey ( minus Rumanian Jews , who together with those of Poland , Russia and Austria , should be packed off to Palestine , or better yet , to Madagascar ) …
10 A bitch will alter depending on whether she is in season , in false pregnancy or waiting to come on heat .
11 If you are caring for an elderly parent who is at some stage of grieving for a lost partner , whether she is experiencing the shattering despair that follows soon after bereavement , or the long sad loneliness and feeling of deprivation characteristic of its later stages , her deepest need will be for your practical and emotional support during her period of sorrow and adjustment .
12 The purpose of this interview will be to assess the elderly person 's financial needs , the income she has from all sources , and her capital ( if any ) , and to establish whether she is entitled to receive a supplementary pension or allowance .
13 There is no overt recognition that fat women do not have equal access to sexual relationships : however , if a fat woman 's friends never ask her whether she is attracted to someone , they assume that she is single because she is fat and that she is likely to remain without a lover .
14 He told Selina : ‘ When I find somebody who is capable of taking on all the duties of a queen , it wo n't matter whether she is Royal , aristocratic or a commoner .
15 In tonight 's programme , Laura and her parents discover whether she is suitable for the surgery , which has only been carried out on a handful of other patients and is still at the experimental stage .
16 Mr Hunt said the defence will be visiting her today ‘ to see if it 's possible to continue with the trial , whether she is able to continue attending or not ’ .
17 She has to decide whether she is prepared to carry on doing this .
18 ‘ And from now on , ’ he says protectively , ‘ she is our lifetime commitment , whether she is under my roof or somebody else 's .
19 The reason why ( to answer an old critical fallacy ) he does not go and ask Desdemona whether she is Cassio 's lover is that , by the end of this scene , he no longer believe what she — or anyone but Iago — would tell him .
20 But whatever the reasoning behind these considerably increased benefits for women carers , the result would be that a woman with ‘ dependants ’ would have a reasonable income , whether she is married or not .
21 In Martha Wolfenstein 's words ( 1955 ) , ‘ Fun has become not only permissible but required ’ ; the modern mother is already a creature whose ‘ feelings of inadequacy are matched only by her undying efforts ’ , according to Johnson and Medinnus ( 1965 ) , and ‘ fun morality ’ now ensures that ‘ her self-evaluation can no longer be based entirely on whether she is doing the right and necessary things but becomes involved with nuances of feelings which are not under voluntary control ’ ( Wolfenstein , 1955 , our italics ) .
22 I ca n't help wondering whether she is , herself , proud to be English and if not why not .
23 After all , as he had said — and now every word of our conversation came back to me as clearly as if played back on a tape — a woman has a right to decide , on the basis of her own capacity to cope with the situation , whether she is justified in going on with it .
24 If he wishes to find out whether she is endowed with a witch 's power of preserving silence , let him take note whether she is able to shed tears when standing in his presence or when being tortured .
25 If he wishes to find out whether she is endowed with a witch 's power of preserving silence , let him take note whether she is able to shed tears when standing in his presence or when being tortured .
26 That women was not offered a contract of employment or a payment slip , and does not know whether she is an employee or self-employed .
27 You would have to question whether she is genuine .
28 Mr Hunt said the defence would be visiting her today ‘ to see if it 's possible to continue with the trial , whether she is able to continue attending or not ’ .
29 We all need know whether she is or
30 But er but er yeah , so but like , she 's been saying to me cos she 's been thinking about whether she is or not she er she 's been like like everywhere there 's babys and prams and everywhe , on the telly and everything , do you know what I mean ?
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