Example sentences of "water over [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He looked so miserable I decided to cheer him up by inviting him to join our little game , and started throwing handfuls of water over him .
2 ‘ Chuck a couple of buckets of water over him , we might be able to recognise what it is , ’ Yanto suggested .
3 Murphy threw boiling water over him , but was punched to the floor , Manchester Crown Court heard yesterday .
4 Geoffrey felt as if someone had thrown a bucket of cold water over him .
5 A punch would be delivered and Ricky , thinking this had ended the row would take himself off to bed only to find the next minute that Minton was emptying a bottle of water over him .
6 I shouted desperately , throwing water over him to put out the flames .
7 A prisoner is being treated in hospital after another inmate threw scalding water over him .
8 Amazed residents who answered his frantic knock on the door threw water over him .
9 Cos she 's thrown all this water over him .
10 I quickly poured the kettle full of water over them , then the contents of all four saucepans .
11 Pouring water over them while they yelled back at me ?
12 ‘ I would like to think that any sort of physical abuse does n't go on any more , but this does not mean that people might not get a bucket of water over them sometimes . ’
13 The priest was offering his fingers to the policeman who poured some water over them .
14 Scald and skin the tomatoes by placing them in a bowl , pouring boiling water over them , counting to fifteen before pouring off the hot water and replacing it with cold .
15 Obviously throwing a bucket of water over them is n't going to do a lot of good , so if there is a likelihood of it happening , you 'll need to be prepared .
16 Once trimmed and ready to be positioned , ensure that they are thoroughly cleaned by pouring boiling water over them and allowing to soak , scrubbing between the folds .
17 A tall woman leaned from a balcony and emptied a bucket of water over them .
18 Lightly crush the honeysuckle leaves before pouring boiling water over them .
19 As they hauled it aboard , it spewed water over them like a broken vessel .
20 Chucking buckets of water over them eh ?
21 I bloody have done years ago you chuck buckets of water over them .
22 Yeah and we used to spray water over them .
23 Do not cook supplements or pour boiling water over them .
24 Yeah well that 's , that 's where they poured the fucking water over them .
25 He started to pour cold water over me , in part to staunch the blood , in part to revive me .
26 I did n't care if I was clean or dirty , but Hee-Haw kicked water over me and washed me .
27 She swished her fingertips through her hair and sent a spray of water over me .
28 He poured cans of cold water over her .
29 ‘ Who threw the water over her ? ’ asked the matron .
30 His words made her gasp as though he 'd flung a bucket of cold water over her .
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