Example sentences of "young woman [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One of the youngest women in the refuge , twenty-one years old with two children , worked before she was a mother as a shop assistant :
2 Apart from the barmaid , we were the only women there , and the two youngest women in our group had a long discussion : one defended the secret solidarity of the men , the other said , " it 's no place for a woman , I could n't stand it . "
3 Since no apprentices were taken after 1910 , and since the age at which girls normally left school and began working was fourteen ( give or take a few months ) , the youngest women in the sample were born in 1896 .
4 A younger woman with outsize spectacles behind them periodically gave a slight nod of her head .
5 She helped the younger woman to the kitchen , put her on a chair and looked round for the kettle .
6 His mother , whom he had adored , had died when he was sixteen and his father had then married a much younger woman to whom Freddie had taken an instant dislike .
7 The unspoken truth lay between the older and younger woman like some tangible wedge , driving them further and further apart .
8 But such work often involves using older and younger women as tests of psychological theories which were developed mainly from male samples , like theories of moral development ( Gilligan 1982 ) , adolescence ( Beckett 1986 ) , transfer into the job market ( Griffin 1986 ) , and middle age ( Barnett and Baruch 1985 ) .
9 Now that we have learnt to take account of the unpaid domestic labour of younger women as positive inputs into the economy ( Piachaud , 1985 ; Joshi , 1987a ) , it is time to extend this approach to the variety of unpaid activities of older people if we are to obtain an accurate picture of their role in the economy and of the extent to which they are a net ‘ burden ’ upon it .
10 He had once questioned her on this point , saying that a man of his age preferred younger women to be seen out with .
11 Before the First World War , the younger women of the village , of whom my mother was one , used to walk from Mavhinje to Štivan ( San Giovanni ) , near the coast , and bring back pots of water on their heads .
12 Barbara Macdonald , herself in her 70s , gives an excellent list of suggestions to assist younger women in relating to her and her peer group in a non-ageist way .
13 The prevalence of vertebral fractures in women with rheumatoid arthritis aged over 65 is probably higher than the 12% found in the younger women in this study , and clinicians should be aware of the possibility of vertebral fractures in all patients with rheumatoid arthritis .
14 Er and in the South Midlands ' section , I think it is erm towards Coventry and Nuneaton , we have got erm I can even remember the name of the Guild it 's we 've got a lot of younger women in there and these are younger women that , it 's very , I 'm very pleased to see them and when you see them go to the rostrum you can , you know they really are , they seem as if they 're a revival of the old camp because we , we 've got to campaign you see and but you , you try , I mean I 'm getting beyond it really myself and yet you see , you try and whip up erm an aging movement it you , you want younger women you see .
15 The unit is to return to Darlington next year for further checks and it is hoped the scheme will be extended to younger women in the future .
16 NOTE Osteoporosis can not be cured once it is present , but younger women from the time of the menopause may be able to prevent it from developing through hormone replacement therapy .
17 It would have a job flattening that boisterous family , thought Joe as he carried the young woman through the passage and up the flight of stairs to the first floor .
18 They had enjoyed a happy day and it seemed to Carrie that Seb had noticed her , really noticed her , as a young woman for the very first time .
19 She is a small , passionate , very striking young woman with deep shining black eyes and a glittering smile , talking ten to the dozen in a strong Moroccan accent .
20 Mayall plays Fred , the obnoxious character summoned up by a mixed up young woman with hilarious and chaotic consequences .
21 On a bench a young woman with red hair had been suckling her baby .
22 It is the finale of two of the recruit courses : the Regular recruits have spent eight weeks at the WRAC Centre completing an intensive course which provides a young woman with all the basic military skills Which she will require to be able to take her place alongside her male counterpart in the modern British Army .
23 Here , for example , we meet a very ordinary young woman with the very extraordinary name of Damaris Tighe .
24 The girl that was Angela Morgan had looked out of the photograph , whereas what lay on the ground , arms outstretched , could have been any young woman with dark hair .
25 She turned her head in the direction of the alto : a young woman with light hair and the face of an angel .
26 It was the second time Vonetta and I had met ; both times she struck me as an extremely self-possessed young woman with a lot of presence .
27 Lunia was a beautiful young woman with an air of great distinction .
28 Like Modigliani , Jeanne was a romantic , a mysterious young woman with soulful blue eyes and a generous mouth .
29 A young woman with large breasts paraded them across a football field and immediately got a job of modelling double-breasted clothes .
30 During that first week she went out with Nahum in the trap he used for visiting in the parish , and she was continually looking for a young woman with white hair and a baby .
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