Example sentences of "both in and " in BNC.

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1 Its responsibility is to create awareness , both in and outside of the company , of current artists ' product .
2 While Britain may appear at the top of the European Community lone parent league table , other countries , both in and outside Europe , have as high or higher rates .
3 June and Robert Braithwaite achieved much better intercourse both in and out of bed when she learned to understand and value his greater need of physical sensation and he became less worried by her being different and placing a lower value on physical experience .
4 These are ideal for a wide range of interests , both in and out of doors .
5 The study concludes that ‘ teasing of disabled children does occur both in and out of school … older pupils and those in integrated schooling are particularly likely to come across such behaviour . ’
6 In the chapters which follow , I will attempt to offer a more satisfying and , hopefully , iconoclastic alternative ; satisfying because it will place the explanatory emphasis on definite social processes which perpetuate the invidious position of blacks both in and out of sport ; and iconoclastic because it will at least go some way towards smashing the outdated image of the black man as possessing natural physical abilities that are determined , in the last instance , by his race .
7 The short course editions maintain the same teaching approach as Fast Forward , aiming to maximize results both in and out of the classroom .
8 In the meantime fighting continued both in and around Saigon and , increasingly , as more and more French troops arrived , throughout Cochinchina .
9 Mathematics is a very important and interesting subject for study both in and out of school .
10 I was always on agreeable terms with George Brown both in and out of office , although his well-known tendency to get drunk disrupted our relations on one or two occasions .
11 In this chapter we have pointed to the importance of coming to terms with the British constitution and constitutional theory since they are both in and about British politics .
12 The trade unions are a problematic force both in and on the uneasy edges of the system of power ; a variety of factors have conspired to produce an upsurge of competing participants and conflicting demands ; elected governments have frequently shown themselves to be weak and vacillating in the face of pressures and problems ; and certain democratic aspects of the British polity have heaped problems on to the capitalist economy in a way that has " crowded out " opportunities for growth .
13 Ackerley flouted convention both in and out of the office .
14 That both kinds of Camphill therapeutic communities , schools and villages , increased in number in several countries both in and after König 's lifetime — by 1987 there were over seventy centres in eighteen countries — is testimony to their success in answering a need , albeit continuously in pioneering mode and therefore not without mistakes ; testimony also to the founder 's vision , dynamic personality , and restless energy .
15 The children 's panel hearing which followed the assessment period concentrated on Tony 's brushes with authority both in and out of school and his learning difficulties .
16 In quite a short time these simple exercises , though they may seem ineffective to Western minds , will reward the individual with a tremendously increased performance , both in and out of the kwoon .
17 ‘ And letters can find their way both in and out , ’ he said , ‘ by the same route ? ’
18 I.H. Madrid , set in a thriving centrally located area of Madrid , offers a pleasant and lively language school for adults with a wide range of activities both in and out the classroom
19 At the same time , however , increasing concern was being expressed both in and out of government at the social costs of reform .
20 Nevertheless , experience in a training unit does open up a wide range of career prospects , both in and out of the Services .
21 In the end , the best ambassadors will be its own graduates , but until then the support of its friends both in and outside Africa will be invaluable .
22 With experience gained in using the microcomputer both in and out of school , the school librarian should , before presenting the report , be confident enough in using the microcomputer to be able to demonstrate its uses and suggest potential uses to staff such as the school 's Head of Resources .
23 Scientists are still examining the extent of the contamination both in and around the reactor .
24 The Schools Curriculum Awards are to go to Egglescliffe Secondary School , Bishopsgarth Secondary School in Stockton , Kirkleatham Hall School near Redcar and Easterside Primary School in Middlesbrough for establishing broad and balanced curriculums with activities both in and out of school .
25 Lang said a number of people both in and outside local government had quietly welcomed the Government 's proposals .
26 so that pupils can lead lives and make decisions , both in and out of school , that are personally satisfying and socially constructive ;
27 Polite , considerate behaviour is expected from the pupils at all times , both in and out of the School .
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