Example sentences of "both [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 we 'll almost certainly erm use the contractor over there , the recognised contractor , both for supplying and servicing all our planes .
2 Inevitably , policy failures were attributed to the government and its officials , when the blame lay more widely with the whole of the community and in particular with the strong British dislike both for rethinking an entire situation and for the radical changes that might have to follow from such a reconsideration .
3 In R. leguminosarum , which colonises peas , genes both for recognising the right species of host plant and for fixing nitrogen reside on plasmids .
4 Flowering mid-season ‘ James Grieve ’ is almost guaranteed to give a good crop of very juicy fruit with fine , slightly acid flavour , lovely both for cooking and for eating .
5 The Kitchen Cars had gas , both for cooking and lighting .
6 Although most of these techniques are expensive and difficult to use , it is possible that at least some of them may become more easily available ; they can be very useful both for discovering in detail how English speakers produce their speech sounds , and for demonstrating to learners of English their pronunciation errors in a way that helps them to correct them .
7 The Society is indebted to Ralph and Mrs Edwards , Mr and Mrs Vic Smith , Dr Grey , Mrs C. Evans , Mrs Newcombe , Mrs Wallace , Ron and Carol Mardle and members of the Lucas and Nottingham families , both for providing the food and helping on the day .
8 In particular consider time limits — both for enacting and for advising , perhaps the performers have to spend at least a minute improvising before they can request advice .
9 Designers looking for examples of how to code randomizing algorithms should consult Snader , who gives examples of various functions coded in Fortran , Basic and Pascal ; Morris , who gives Fortran code both for chaining and hashing ; and Johnson and Cooper , who provide comprehensive coded examples in COBOL .
10 Embalmers are advised of the protective clothing required both for handling the chemicals and the deceased persons themselves .
11 Many thanks , Vic , both for stepping in when a gap had appeared in our programme , and for providing a stimulating look at an area most of us had n't seen , and indeed some views that we now never shall see .
12 Therefore I compromise and send her to Calcutta with her grandmother and suffer pangs of guilt both for packing her off and for conforming to my elitist background .
13 Easily Accessible : The location is excellent both for touring south west Scotland by car and as a centre for walking .
14 Large-scale industries in pre-railway days needed canal-side sites both for bringing in their coal and other raw materials and for taking away their heavy products .
15 Indeed , in 1781 the philosopher Immanuel Kant wrote a monumental and very obscure work , The Critique of Pure Reason , in which he concluded that there were equally valid arguments both for believing that the universe had a beginning and for believing that it did not .
16 Competence in English is an unquestioned asset both for learning and in employment .
17 Having considered something of the nature of aesthetic perception , it remains necessary to link this with education and with techniques stemming from Personal Construct theory which might well be used both for learning and for investigation in the area of artistic appraisal .
18 But the centres which were the linchpin of the movement were criticized both for erring too much on the side of prevention — tackling such issues as racism , poverty and education in the communities served , and for doing too little prevention , this arising from the affiliation of most of them to general and mental hospitals .
19 But it is entitled to complain that it has to defend itself against attacks from an equally uneasy fusion of Daily Telegraph Toryism and free-market radicalism — so that it gets criticised both for going downmarket , and for not going far enough downmarket .
20 So far , the free world has liked him both for having been , and for having ceased to be , a communist of a sort , for the freedoms he seeks in matters of literary form , for the modern inventiveness and manipulation of the literary games he plays , games that none the less commemorate , as he acknowledges , Cervantes , Sterne and Diderot , and for the sexual games which he plays in an age when , as he once put it , sexuality has ceased to be taboo .
21 Thank you both for having us .
22 Compensation both for planning restrictions ( in cases where a claim had been admitted ) and for compulsory purchase by public authorities was to be paid on the basis of existing use plus any admitted 1947 development value , but private sales would be at current market prices .
23 Salt was used in Jesus 's day both for flavouring and preserving .
24 The actual system is generally placed in an enclosure , which provides a means both for keeping moisture in and for preventing volatile organic compounds from leaving without treatment .
25 They emphasize the importance , both for keeping independence and for helping their descendants , of owning even a small amount of property and passing down specialized occupational skills .
26 This method is applied both for storing items in the table , and for searching for items in a previously stored structure .
27 Recent studies have expressed cautious optimism both for screening and for the use of adjuvant therapy , yet closer examination raises as many doubts as hopes .
28 Although governments may attempt to avoid these problems by framing legislation more specifically , the cost of doing so is not only greater complexity but also less adaptability , both for coping with new situations and for unforeseen cases .
29 I will emphasize the graphical nature of the Chart data structure , and the usefulness of such a structure both for representing linguistic data , and for analyzing the results of linguistic processing .
30 I use the Park both for walking and as a motorist , but more frequently for cycling , and I write on behalf of ‘ Spokes ’ and Edinburgh cyclists in general .
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