Example sentences of "bit like [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Particularly if there 's any suggestion that anything a bit like hypnosis has been used um this er business of of well it must be the therapist making them up or putting them up to it in some way becomes a particular argument that 's raised quite often .
2 Not a bit like Annabel 's mother .
3 Most of them are n't er there 's , there 's a couple of young guys and they look a bit like , you know , bi bit like jerks really
4 The Old World anteaters include various species of pangolin in Africa and Asia , ranging from tree-climbing forms to digging forms , all looking a bit like fircones with pointed snouts .
5 After we had been constantly studying the sky for a few months and getting the feel of things , we did tend to develop a sixth sense regarding the weather , a bit like farmers .
6 He descends , a bit like royalty , not really down among us . ’
7 It turns out that the Baron is short of certain body parts ( also a bit like Mark ! ) which are essential if the experiment 's to run smoothly .
8 ‘ I 'm afraid I 'm a bit like Buster Keaton at the moment . ’
9 It was the district council environmental health officer , Norman Gillies , who first described the 5ft tall solar manure factories as looking ‘ a bit like daleks . ’
10 Chemistry , to many of us , is a little bit like cookery .
11 A bit like Michel , Michel Devaux .
12 He smiled benignly around the table , a bit like Scrooge on Christmas Day , revelling in the joy of the Cratchits .
13 Unexceptionable words , perhaps , and certainly non-élitist ; not a bit like Plato .
14 ‘ It 's a bit like blackmail , especially the part which points out all the money raised would be spent in their hospital . ’
15 It even looked a bit like Jim 's handwriting .
16 Ben Matthews of Oxford cycos says it 's a bit like ice hockey , not like polo .
17 He 's a bit like Mallachy .
18 ‘ What do you mean , a bit like Mallachy ? ’
19 He walks funny — sort of dragging one leg , a bit like Fullblast .
20 I fancied he looked more than a bit like Yves Montand , and told my friend so — long distance from Manchester .
22 He 's mostly calm , perceptive and spiritual — not a bit like Basil .
23 Preston could remember his nan asking on more than one occasion , and his mum shrugging and saying , ‘ She thought he looked a bit like Elvis Presley . ’
24 So mass is a sort of a bit like resistance , it 's resistance to acceleration .
25 Well that hole is a bit like resistance .
26 ‘ Screaming at comedy gigs , that 's a new one , ’ he mutters , disapprovingly , ‘ It all sounds a bit like Gary Glitter to me . ’
27 The friendliness was overwhelming and a small crowd would gather around me every time I stopped to talk or watch a game of sipa — a bit like tennis only played with your feet and a ball covered in rubbery tendrils .
28 to cover the holes in the bit like raffia it was was n't it ?
29 It 's a bit like Hampstead , yeah ?
30 I board the plane feeling no pain , eat the evening meal and continue with the G&T theme , land in Gatwick and make the connection via the smoking area of the bar and another gulped Gordon 's , then pass on the second offered dinner but not the accompanying booze and quietly pass out somewhere over the West Midlands , to be woken by a dishy blonde with an impudent , dimpled smile and we 're here we 've landed we 've arrived , we 're on the stand at the airport and I 'd ask her what she 's doing later because I 'm drunk enough to not care when she says ‘ No ’ as she probably will , but I know I 'm too tired and besides my left eyelid 's stuck again and I suspect it makes me look a bit like Quasimodo , so I do n't say anything except , ‘ Uh , thanks , ’ which is cool or sad , I 'm not sure which .
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