Example sentences of "since there [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It was hours now since we had last eaten , hours more since there had been any sleep .
2 This polarisation of attitudes was perhaps unfortunate since there had been signs of a certain willingness on the part of the Department to reconsider the validity of their ideas and to give some weight to the social issues behind the public reaction to the housing policy .
3 All the elements of a quasi-partnership were present and since there had been a loss of mutual confidence , on the basis of Ebrahimi v Westbourne Galleries Ltd [ 1973 ] AC 360 , it was just and equitable that the company should be wound up .
4 The First ( or rather the first he acknowledged , since there had been a previous Quartettsatz he had written at the age of 25 ) was completed in 1920 after a long gestation period of four years — partly explicable by its extreme complexity and his elaborately detailed indications on the playing of almost every note .
5 However , since there had been open and vigorous debate about what everyone wanted , it had been possible for her to exercise considerable discretion on the department 's behalf when ordering , or selecting at book suppliers .
6 Since there had been no clear mandate in 1910 and since the Lords could not now force another election , Unionists would have to resist until the government called one themselves .
7 There was no doubt in his mind that they would break in , since there had n't been any failed revolutions on the island during his time .
8 There was no blood since there had been no cut .
9 Up until then people had made butter and sometimes cheese from the milk since there had never been a collection until Willie , who was a very good businessman , began to transport it out — on a horse and cart at first , until he acquired a wagon .
10 British Moslem leaders claimed that the ban was an example of British double standards , since there had been no ban on Rushdie 's novel The Satanic Verses , for which he had first been condemned to death by the Iranian spiritual leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in February 1989 [ see pp. 36450-51 ; 37266 ] .
11 Since there had been clearly nothing she could do about the situation , Laura had been forced to buckle down and do what she could to keep the twins happy .
12 Ted McCarty claims it was intentional , since there seemed little point in covering an expensive maple top with black paint .
13 They argued that since there seemed to be infinitely more Friedmann-like models without a big bang singularity than there were with one , we should conclude that there had not in reality been a big bang .
14 For example , in : ( 40 ) I was born in London and have lived there ever since there refers back to whatever place London refers to , but simultaneously contrasts with here on the deictic dimension of space , locating the utterance outside London .
15 Maybe he thought that since there 'd been sixty-odd quid in my bag there 'd be more on my person , and he only had to wait till I nodded off and then he 'd nick it and away .
16 I know that the new members of Council have been welcomed into our midst and it must be along time since there 've been so many changes .
17 Since there appear to be no consequences in judicial practice if the label constitutional is applied to a particular law , it is in the end no more than a convenient way for textbook writers to organise their material , just as they produce books on industrial law or commercial law .
18 ‘ Therefore , ’ said Milton , ‘ since there appear to be only five possibles — all of whom we have decided are improbables — we 're going to have to work quite hard .
19 Since there exists a vital need for government just the same , this faith in the worth of each human being is bound to seek a balance of the two needs in some system of restraints which protects the individual , or at least minorities , against any despotic exercise of political authority .
20 however , on examination this becomes less clear cut , since there seem to be three categories — the voluntary ; the required but not closely monitored ; and the fully enforced .
21 We can not expect to detect boundaries bottom-up , since there seem to be few reliable cues to word boundaries .
22 This is necessary since there appears to be some confusion about what Marx classified as luxury goods and the character of the labour embodied in them .
23 Perhaps CRO would kindly advise on this , since there appears to be nothing in CRO 's Notes for Guidance NG10 and NG17 which would be relevant .
24 A major problem with traditional Marxist analysis is that by laying all sins at the door of capitalist development , it fails to explain what keeps the periphery in a long-term relationship with the centre , since there appears to be little in the relationship for either partner .
25 Since there seems to be some doubt about the matter , it should be made clear that the High Court 's inherent jurisdiction in relation to children — the parens patriae jurisdiction — is equally exercisable whether the child is or is not a ward of court : see In re M. and N. ( Minors ) ( Wardship : Publication of Information ) [ 1990 ] Fam. 211 , 223G .
26 Immediately we have difficulties since there seems to be no generally accepted agreement on the meaning of power .
27 Other possible reasons for this will be discussed below , but in 1976 June Sheppard suggested that we need to pay more attention to the correlation between land tenure and social structure in the feudal system of these settlements , since there seems to be some relationship between ownership , devastation in 1069–70 , and new planning in the north .
28 Their advice was not wholly disinterested , however , since there seems to have been a move in the Conservative Party at this time to replace Baldwin as Party leader by Austen Chamberlain , and so prepare the ground for another Conservative/Liberal Coalition-a reversal , as Cowling puts it , of the verdict of the Carlton Club which had destroyed the Lloyd George Coalition .
29 He went on : ‘ They are normally engaged in planning non-emergency journeys but since there have not been any it was felt that they have just been sitting around socialising when others are working long hours .
30 Since there have been very significant changes in population structure and family composition over the last two centuries , any discussion of how family relationships have changed must always acknowledge that we are not comparing like with like — an observation which of course itself calls into question the over-simplified view of a gradual deterioration of family ties from pre-industrial society to the present day .
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