Example sentences of "himself to her " in BNC.

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1 Allen attached himself to her , nobody else did .
2 Then Nathan had come , brought by Paul , to whom he was devoted ; but attaching himself to her also at once .
3 For whatever reason , after his initial expressionless stare , he had attached himself to her , at first dawdling behind , then circling round her , as might a stray dog , and finally trotting at her side .
4 If he never said it again , the way he had just expressed himself to her would last for the rest of her life .
5 Knowing that Adam always liked to keep his options open , Miranda was forced to the lonely conclusion that he did n't love her enough to commit himself to her for life .
6 Excuse me , he thought , addressing himself to her , excuse me if I 'm being personal , but when was your last laugh ?
7 It was no fun loving a person like Memet , especially when he would n't commit himself to her in a civilized and law-abiding manner .
8 He would enjoy expressing himself to her .
9 With one last cry she held him impossibly tight , her nails scoring his back , and knew even in her state of mindlessness that Leo had timed himself to her , that even in the grip of his own needs he had thought of her .
10 In the weeks following his bedding of Rose , Lowell gave himself to her totally .
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