Example sentences of "before its [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It looks therefore as if Russia will have to join the back of a long queue before its turn comes again .
2 ‘ The blade may be keener , the guitars may be sharper , the lyrics may be clearer , but how many times do you have to polish a knife before its cutting edge disappears altogether ? ’ he asked .
3 In both projective and reactive uses , however , the infinitive expresses an actualized contingent event and the impression of contingency implies a reference to a position in time when the infinitive 's event was not a reality ( i.e. before its actualization ) , so that the term " reactive " is no more appropriate here than in the canonical uses of the " infinitive of reaction " as a description of the meaning of the to infinitive .
4 Off the train before its route reached the suburbs .
5 A large entry may require a number of editing sessions before its content is approved .
6 The Inner London Education Authority , before its abolition , had begun to classify its students as being of ‘ African , African Asian , Arab , Bangladesh I , Caribbean , ESWI ( English , Scottish , Welsh and Irish ) , Greek , Indian , Pakistani , SE Asian , Turkish and Other ’ origin ( ILEA , 1987 ) .
7 Depending on how well Very Visual does , it will probably need $5m to $10m before its cash-flow is positive .
8 The hydrofoil had done four return journeys before its driver began to get really worried .
9 Landau ( 1981 ) suggested that ( before its repeal ) ‘ sus ’ ( arrest for being a suspected person ) was the biggest difference in arrest rates between races , and that the police thought black youth more antagonistic to them , and they were 50 per cent more likely to be referred to the juvenile bureau .
10 Before its publication Goodwin had sent her off to the British Museum to research the old Black Dwarf .
11 While BT can be pleased that it bought into McCaw at a much lower price than today 's going rate and that it will be difficult for other overseas companies to enter the US domestic market , it will be some time before its investment begins to yield a return .
12 Before any programme for an elimination of " spurious designators can be properly evaluated , before its feasibility , and above all its significance , can be properly judged , it is essential that the concept of an ontological existent be clarified and made absolutely precise and this task is the most complex and most difficult of all .
13 It was marketed for a number of years and was the subject of numerous clinical reports before its use declined .
14 Jenner had begun to make use of cowpox for human vaccination in 1798 , but it would be a few years before its use was widespread , and 1840 before it was available free .
15 It made him see that before its power all of this was nothing and yet , at the same time , without him , or Slorne , or Minch or any of the creatures , imprisoned and free , its power would be nothing .
16 Trent leaped to the portside bilge pump , desperate to clear the remaining water from the hull before its weight broke the vessel apart .
17 Before its completion , there was a greater requirement for a lighter and less costly tank .
18 Before its echo died another sounded , and another , followed in quick succession by two more from the opposite side of the village .
19 On Feb 9 six deputies who had left the PUWP before its dissolution set up a new parliamentary group , the Independent Deputies ' Caucus ( KNP ) .
20 A few quotations from his correspondence to friends during the years before its appearance will serve to introduce the main interests and traits in question : " Three things are my relaxations , but infrequent ones : my Schopenhauer , Schumann 's music , and solitary walks " ( from 1866 ) ; " It is only too natural that … concentrating on a particular field of knowledge all day long should somewhat blunt one 's untrammelled receptivity and attack the philosophic sense at its root .
21 In other words , a deuterium ion is likely to take part in a fusion reaction long before its polarisation is destroyed ( Physical Review Letters , vol 49 , p 1248 ) .
22 A bigger unit can take more casualties before its combat worthiness is eroded .
23 Peter read the letter twice before its meaning sank in .
24 In the 1960s , long before its circulation dipped , that rapport had lessened , as the higher living standards and consumerist values of the ‘ affluent society ’ confused old certainties .
25 It remains to be seen what effect this case will have on copyright litigation in the United States ( the judges in the Court of Appeals recognized that their test would be difficult to apply and would need further case law before its application could be predicted with any certainty ) .
26 But he claimed the fault in a thermostat developed if people repeatedly stopped the machine before its cycle was completed .
27 Planet X 's supporters point to three ephemeris difficulties suggesting a tenth planet : the Uranus observations can not all be made to fit , and the residuals show systematic trends ; a few known sightings of Neptune before its identity was established are difficult or impossible to fit ; and predictions of Neptune 's orbit have tended to be inaccurate .
28 Given the availability of very fast spectroscopic techniques , using either photographic recording or pulsed lasers , we can consider working with a non-flowing sample and simply recording a spectrum at some interval after sudden generation of the species , but before its decay is complete .
29 Scientists working on the survey are now confident that the satellite will complete its mission before its cooling system runs out of helium in about seven months time .
30 The seventy-two-page catalogue took months of planning and discussion before its format was agreed and the final version appeared in five languages .
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