Example sentences of "before it can " in BNC.

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1 Depending on its strength and the time required for it to reach maturity , a beer must stand for 12 to 48 hours before it can be drunk .
2 The punching elbow must be flexed before it can be extended fully , and any attempt to strike with a semi-extended arm is sure to fail because of the obvious weakness of the technique .
3 Its problems are too deep rooted and a more radical refocusing is required before it can return to its more traditional profits growth pattern .
4 This link between subjectivity and subjection , which for the ( political ) post/modernist has to be disclosed before it can be disarticulated , is , by comparison , both assumed and manifestly endorsed in the Renaissance .
5 The colony 's preparations for the deportations are well advanced , but its government requires the go-ahead from London before it can send the first planeload to Vietnam .
6 Mr Patten said this would put Britain in front of Europe but acknowledged that it may be some time before it can be implemented .
7 Bonn promises monetary union by June 30th , but the Alliance needs two-thirds of the parliamentary vote before it can complete unification .
8 Under chapter 11 , two-thirds of creditors , of preference shareholders and of equity shareholders must separately back a deal before it can go ahead .
9 The first task with a coin , as with any other artefact , is to try to establish its date and attribute it to a place of manufacture and authority , since we must know where and when it was made before it can give us any information about the past .
10 It 's grown on huge farms called plantations , and it has to be planted , as the name suggests , cultivated and harvested , before it can be packed into great ships and sent to us .
11 Such a farcical situation could never come about in Germany , where a party must win a minimum five per cent of the overall vote before it can take a single seat in the Bundestag .
12 They say that the water may have to be treated with chlorine , blasted with ultra-violet light , pasteurised and given other treatments before it can be re-used .
13 BT believes it still has some way to go before it can match the performance of American telecommunications companies and is also anxious to stay ahead of European public sector rivals .
14 It is generally accepted that the treponeme needs a small cut or abrasion in the skin before it can gain entry and cause an infection ; simple contact with the skin is not enough .
15 Therefore , a record company has to sell a large quantity of LPs before it can expect a substantial return on its investment .
16 The negative effect of such discrimination is illustrated by the practice in adult education establishments which treat pensioners as ‘ half persons ’ ; colleges charge them half price for attending courses , but then insist that a class must have twice as many registrations as required for younger students , before it can go ahead .
17 Before it can come down , before you can rise
18 It does , however , present a number of operational difficulties that require basic research before it can be widely used .
19 A building society must attract deposits before it can grant a mortgage ( loan ) to a borrower to purchase a house , unlike a bank which can create a deposit by granting a loan .
20 But as the liquid cools it rapidly becomes viscous and solidifies before it can crystallise .
21 There is no evidence that zinc metal was ever prepared in Africa — it has to be made by condensation since it volatilises before it can be reduced from the ore .
22 The trap has to be quite acid before it can close .
23 Unfortunately on these occasions , all too often the prick of conscience , if it has operated at all , is instantly suppressed before it can take control , and it is this which appears to have become the normal response .
24 I am not an uncritical admirer of the Labèque sisters : their performances can be uneven , and I have sometimes found them guilty of grabbing a composition by the collar and belting off with it before it can gets its breath .
25 But although the students ' efforts compared well with other universities and schools , the Bristol team has some distance to go before it can match the efforts of the Japanese motor industry entry which achieved 6,142 miles to the gallon .
26 It will have to be agreed , in its new form , by the Commons before it can proceed further .
27 Hame Special & Sunburst Archtop Question : does an instrument have to be old before it can produce a vintage tone ?
28 This means that the ‘ brain' of the synth has to have a certain amount of waveform information from the guitar before it can determine an actual pitch and synthesise that information accordingly .
29 This is a moot point which requires further study before it can be resolved .
30 A spokesman said : ‘ The problem with heavy rainfall and flash floods is that a lot of it runs away before it can soak through to the underground aquifers . ’
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