Example sentences of "face as [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Together they were the opposite of women who will nod and nod as they pretend to listen to another , waiting for the first pause of breath to muscle in with the growing pains and glories of their own house , the impatience showing on their faces as they wait .
2 A junior platoon , still weeks from their own Pass-Off Parade , marches slowly past , the fatigue of a day 's fieldcraft training mixing with a look of envy on their faces as they notice the celebration of those for whom training is now a memory .
3 Despite having 20 minutes to compose himself after being given advance notification of the exit poll result , the tension showed clearly on the Kinnocks ' faces as they they struggled to swallow bitter disappointment .
4 It was some kind of air duct , the hot , dry wind pushing into their faces as they moved away from the murderous thundering noise .
5 Nell 's lamp softly illuminated their faces as they held a council of war .
6 You see , I was with her when they met one day in the rose-garden and I watched their faces as they talked together . ’
7 That 's easy to believe when you see the joy on these children 's faces as they meet Disney characters for the first time .
8 It looks like any high street sweatshop except for the light streaming through the huge windows looking across Paris , the dummies bearing the names an exact shapes of various famous models and customers , and the quiet pride in the workers ' faces as they attach elaborately-tooled gold leather to a bustier , hand-embroidered velvet details to a pocket flap , a mink trim to an underskirt .
9 The pair had star quality written all over their faces as they hammed it up at a Buddy Holly tribute .
10 Male disco boppers who , judging by their blank faces as they endlessly crash-land nose first at bemused singer Greg Acknell 's knees or into mic stands , simply could n't give a flying toss about the band .
11 ‘ Serious , I 'd say , ’ said the second constable , but they both had grins on their faces as they resumed their beat .
12 God is all things to all Nuer ; they see him with as many different faces as they divide their own society into separate kinship groups .
13 Carrie felt sad when she saw the worried looks on their faces as they sat talking quietly , their hands cupped around mugs of steaming hot tea .
14 The men were happy again , the colour back in their faces as they talked together and began to walk on .
15 Oh , the disgusted look on women 's faces as they step backwards through a doorway , out of the rain .
16 Howard gazes out of the window of his official car at people in the streets , trying to read the expression on their faces as they wait for buses or try to cross the road .
17 Great , round clouds rolled slowly across the sky like whales and a chill wind slapped their faces as they clattered along the pavement to Angelo 's Cafe .
18 The puddles in the hollows of the paving stones shimmered with a wash of colour as booted feet splashed through them , and officials of the court stood with long faces as they counted the extent of the destruction wrought by the rains .
19 A look of determination spread over several faces as they hurtled from side to side , and several comical scenes were witnessed as spinnakers were flown on the downwind run .
20 Stephen and Millie are touching bows to strings , then screwing up their faces as they force pegs another fraction of an inch tighter , waiting for a string to break …
21 She led the way along the pavement of the wide main street typical of most Cotswold towns , smiling at familiar faces as they passed .
22 Our breath made huge clouds of steam which hid our faces as we talked , and we hopped about and shrugged elaborately to ward off the penetrating fingers of cold that probed at our necks and hands .
23 FREEZING snow whipped our faces as we peered nervously down the slope .
24 ‘ But she could n't stand to see us worry , could n't stand the expressions on our faces as we gathered round the bed , so she just decided to put a brave face on it .
25 No one ever looked ‘ a little lovelier each day with fabulous new Camay ’ — a bar of green Fairy soap worked as well on faces as it did on floors .
26 What is more , he shows every bit as much priming from these unrecognized faces as he does from names ( which , of course , he can recognize overtly ) .
27 Turning onto finals over a wood-storage factory under the approach , the rattly , misfiring old JAP caused one or two upturned faces as I throttled back and descended , sounding like an aerial vintage motorcycle , towards the grass runway at about 60 kts , reducing to 50 over the threshold .
28 He had a smile on his face as we shook hands .
29 Until that moment arrives , we must go on running over these creatures with as brave a face as we can muster .
30 Two or three weeks ago , a crossbow quarrel narrowly missed my face as we crossed the Lawnmarket .
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