Example sentences of "face [subord] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Most individual replacive minerals have euhedral , planar crystallographic faces although they may contain inclusions , remnants of their precursor phases ( e.g. Figs 5.12d and 5.39c , d ) .
2 One man was outside , two were sitting inside , the men were completely black , so black trousers , black hats and they had a black cape over it , over their faces so you could n't see who they were , and one of them just had this gun in his hand , and fired at this Citroen here located .
3 At each stop they would take one side of the street each and he could not help notice the disappointment on people 's faces if they got him rather than her .
4 But the way they are sold means many savers end up with egg on their faces if they are forced to cash in policies before these fall due .
5 Yeah well b well what I 'm trying to say and I ca n't emphasise it too strongly is that I do n't want anybody going round like writing another stupid letter to somebody saying that erm you know the reason we 're inundated that it has n't been advertised properly cos I tell you what it 'll come back right in our faces cos it 's our bloody fault Well that 's right well we know that I mean I told them all I told them all quite clearly when I was up in Glasgow that they 'd be quiet for at least a month because p it 'll take time to filter through .
6 When people walk into an auditorium , one thing ought to happen and another ought not : their attention should be grabbed and held but at the same time they should n't fall flat on their faces because you 've failed to gaffer down a loose wire .
7 But anxiety has been flickering across their faces since they heard about Northern Ireland 's triumph in Albania .
8 ‘ They 're going to laugh on the other side of their faces before they 're through . ’
9 A lot of the jokes tended to go straight over his head , but there was always some good stuff about the management and more than once he 'd noticed senior people leaving with red faces before it ended .
10 Just as the second half got underway , Milton 's goal keeper , Paul Whittington received a leg injury and there was some anxious faces before he continued after a lengthy stoppage .
11 At first we would wince inwardly as eyes were averted from our faces when we opened conversation with another human being .
12 A traveller or two , pedlars and shepherds , were persuaded to join the few hundred who were there by the weight of glowering disapproval from dozens of faces when they showed signs of passing by .
13 All have mouths that swallow their faces when they open them .
14 ‘ I know , ’ said Marian , smiling , ‘ it was the horses … their faces when they found you 'd cut loose the horses . ’
15 Unfortunately having the son of the most powerful man in the world did n't seem to do the Eagles much good — they stumbled against Argentina and finally fell flat on their faces when they met Tonga in the Plate quarter-final .
16 It was a delight to see Diana 's and Mary 's faces when they arrived cold and stiff from their long journey , and saw the warm fires and polished furniture , and smelt the cakes and meat dishes cooking .
17 You should see the pride in their faces when they talk of it .
18 It 's exhilarating seeing the smiles on their faces when they come down
19 Their faces when they see them with costumes on
20 Then there 's ‘ Silver Milkboy ’ , which was the cause of a large number of red faces when it turned out to be female !
21 They all had to wipe the smiles off their faces when she came striding through the door .
22 You can imagine the expression on our faces when she promptly replied ; ‘ Oh yes , it 's around the back . ’
23 Together they were the opposite of women who will nod and nod as they pretend to listen to another , waiting for the first pause of breath to muscle in with the growing pains and glories of their own house , the impatience showing on their faces as they wait .
24 A junior platoon , still weeks from their own Pass-Off Parade , marches slowly past , the fatigue of a day 's fieldcraft training mixing with a look of envy on their faces as they notice the celebration of those for whom training is now a memory .
25 Despite having 20 minutes to compose himself after being given advance notification of the exit poll result , the tension showed clearly on the Kinnocks ' faces as they they struggled to swallow bitter disappointment .
26 It was some kind of air duct , the hot , dry wind pushing into their faces as they moved away from the murderous thundering noise .
27 Nell 's lamp softly illuminated their faces as they held a council of war .
28 You see , I was with her when they met one day in the rose-garden and I watched their faces as they talked together . ’
29 That 's easy to believe when you see the joy on these children 's faces as they meet Disney characters for the first time .
30 It looks like any high street sweatshop except for the light streaming through the huge windows looking across Paris , the dummies bearing the names an exact shapes of various famous models and customers , and the quiet pride in the workers ' faces as they attach elaborately-tooled gold leather to a bustier , hand-embroidered velvet details to a pocket flap , a mink trim to an underskirt .
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